Wednesday, December 1, 2010


OK, my brother is using MY laptop, because MY laptop is cool. It has awesome games like Sims3, Ray City, Cabal and Assasin's Creed, I'm getting Need For Speed once my brother stops using MY laptop, and gets HIS butt off the computer chair. Yes, I took the spinny computer chair and left everyone with hard wooden chairs. I'm awful, I know. So, since my brother is using my laptop, I'm using my aunt's laptop. This is getting really boring, it's not even been an hour and I'm already bored to death. So, here I am, writing on this blog.

This blog has been a way to cease my boredom for a few minutes or so. And since it's the holidays, there'll be loads of posts crapping about my life and shit. Well, it's December, nothing much to do, except for the fact that it's FINALLY December. A lot of ppl would say it's too fast and everything, PMR next year and stuff, but seriously guys, UPSR, PMR and SPM are going to come sooner or later, so we shouldn't focus on the bad things, stay positive. Next year, it would be morning class, most of us would have to get up early, but after school, the rest of the day is ours or our parents to plan. During the afternoon session, we get to relax during mornings, go to school, and come back t night, plus tuition, homework and everything, it makes 'Yee Jin' time seem shorter and 'school time' seems longer.

And, we get to see our friends. All of us are bored during the school holidays, so yeah, meeting friends and talking bout our holidays, the more fortunate ones will say they can go to Hong Kong, UK, Australia and more. And yes, I'm talking bout my friends. Lucky bastards. And I'm probably one of the ppl who will say 'Not much, just stayed at home'. And that will make ME sound like a lazy prick. Which is stupid, but not my fault. My parents have to work,work,work. But I'm not too bothered.Without my parents, I can have my 'Yee Jin' time, minus the fact that I have an annoying brother, it seems to be a pretty decent holiday. I need to see more Let Me In and I need to read more books. My aunt has been forcing me to do homework and stuff, but still... Oh, and any of you know where to get a butterfly knife? If so, it would be awesommeeeeeeeee, I don't care if it's illegal, it would be awesome. I might get a pocketknife, yeah, a pocketknife... Y'know, for self protection and all....

Nah, I just wanna threaten ppl around with it. It'll be awesomeeeeeeeee. Anyways, that's all the attention spam I have for this post. See ya next time. Bbye!