OK! I know this sounds kinda lame and all since it's just a boring old book... Well, it's not exactly a book. It's a graphic novel, like mangas, but in American/British artists' drawings. It's called comics, though I'm sure most of you people already know, well, gonna post some pics, if you like it I can borrow. But for restricted ppl only. Ppl in my class, or ppl in my bro's class. If you didn't return within one weeks time, you know, kena 10 cents. If lost, well, I'm sorry to tell you, but this book costs RM50. I can show you the price if you want. So pls don't loose the book IF you borrow it. Though I'm sure no one wants to read it. XD. Just posting, but if you wanna borrow also can la.
Showed you the price. XD