Well, I'm sure you guys are familiar with this book. Y'know, boy trades cow for beans, mom throws it out, beans grow, boy climbs beans, steals stuff, giant chases boy, boy cuts beanstalk and they live happily ever after. The End.
Anyways, I watched the 2009 or 2010 edition movie today. Cuz' Chloe Moretz is in it. LOLZ. This one has a few changes in it, so, you can probably watch it. I'm not saying you HAVE to watch it like Let Me In. If you wanna watch Jack and The Beanstalk outta boredom, you can. But you don't have to. Give it a try though. Don't watch for a few minutes then don't watch. If you wanna watch, I suggest you go to this website http://tvshack.cc/movies/Jack_and_the_Beanstalk__2010_/a:109095/
But, it's megavideo. So it basically pauses after 72 minutes or so. And you have to wait for like 55 minutes. But if you wanna watch the ending, just wait, and start buffering the video from where you stopped. Well, that's bout it for today. I'm typin this while eating lunch. If you have twitter, follow me. Lee Yee Jin. That's it for now, bbye!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Bloggin Like Hell
Recently, I've been blogging, you know, basic stuff, but I think now, I'm updating like once per day or maybe once every two days, and that's a lot. Cuz' I have a very short attention span. Guess the holidays is already messing with me... Anyways, I'm blogging cuz' I found this Let Me In deleted scene that did not make the movie. And I'm trying to watch it, but my mom is washing the clothes and since the volume of the video is really soft, I decided to wait.
No, my laptop is not in my room. I have nothing in my room except a few shelves, a bed, a cupboard and a small table... My laptop is in the dining room, which is pretty handy, since I'm practically facing the laptop all day, so I eat in front of the laptop. I only leave the laptop when I'm scolded, bathing, or need to use the bathroom. I have no life... I suck...
No, my laptop is not in my room. I have nothing in my room except a few shelves, a bed, a cupboard and a small table... My laptop is in the dining room, which is pretty handy, since I'm practically facing the laptop all day, so I eat in front of the laptop. I only leave the laptop when I'm scolded, bathing, or need to use the bathroom. I have no life... I suck...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Being Bored and High School
This post is about ME being BORED. Well, when I was a kid, I loved the two month holidays. I don't know why. This went on from Std 1 to Std 5. Cuz' you know, when I was Std 5, I knew that next year it would be my UPSR year, and my last year to see my friends and all. So, I was kinda sad. When Std 6 came, it was sad, but I didn't cry. I don't see the need to... Cuz' we're gonna end up forgetting one another when we grow up soon. Maybe not now, maybe during the time where we started to work and have our own problems? We might still know each other, but when we go out and meet each other, not much will go say 'hi'. We might as well ignore each other that time.
I know, before graduation, we'll be like, Keep In Touch and stuff, and during Form 1, we go back to our old school and hang out everytime there's an opportunity, but when we reach Form 2, several of us will be lazy to go, have more fun with their High School friends and all that. When I went back to Lick Hung this year, I only saw like 3 or 4 ppl from my old class. That's kinda sad. Well, I don't really hang out with my old friends anymore. As far as I'm concerned, 2012, PMR, Let Me In and the Dance Crew thingy is the most important thing on my mind now. Sometimes, I think my High School friends are a lot more fun than my Elementary school friends.
I dunno why, but I guess it has something to do when we grow up, you know, during Elementary school, it's all fun and games and everything. We learn easy maths and science, UPSR wasn't hard. I didn't pay attention for Science and even I got an A. Don't ask me how I did it. But now, we need to learn all the hard stuff like Algebra, Linear Equations and stuff. (I don't care if you think it's easy, it's hard for me and I'm trying to make a point here.)
Anyways, maybe it's because we have a different view and aspect for life now, since we reach High School and everything, yeah, we matured, we can still have fun, but seriously, Elementary isn't all that fun, for me. But, High School isn't all great. Remember, with every upside, there's ALWAYS a downside. When we reach High School, you're pretty much divided into 3 categories if you're a girl.
1. The popular girls and the occasional bitches.
2. Normal people who have a decent amount of friends.
3. The nobodies.
If you're a guy, it's something like this.
1. Big gang of gangsters.
2. Not so big gang of gangsters.
3. Small gang of gangsters.
4. No gang, but with friends.
5. Small group of friends.
There's something like this, and there's also the occasional girl who likes to post pics of herself but when people praise her, go say herself ugly. I'm sure you guys are familiar with this. I'm like, please, if you think you're ugly, why the hell are you posting this on Facebook? I mean, if your friends took this picture of you and posted it on Facebook, you CAN say it's ugly, but, if you SS take, I have nothing to say...
Gosh, I'm getting sidetracked, let's get back to me being bored. It's not even 2 weeks and ALREADY I'm bored. I have no idea why. I tried to keep myself entertained by playing SIMS 3, watching movies online and stuff, but those things get pretty old, especially when my SIMS daughter, Chloe, won't shut up after I taught her how to talk, I think it's a glitch... UGH!!! And yes, I named my SIMS 3 toddler daughter after Chloe Moretz, who plays Abby in Let Me In. Lolz, I'm so obsessed right now, I'm sooo getting the disc. Anyone of you who reads this are invited to come if you want when I get it. I'll post it up. LOLZ. If you're Si Ven's friend, just head over to her house and I'll come over with the DVD. Yes, I'm getting the DVD not the CD, cuz' the CD is pirated, I think.
So, if you're going to Si Ven's hse, she'll probably tell me. HAHA. Hopefully, I'll get the DVD faz. I'll post it up!!!
But if it's too long for the DVD to come up, I might get the CD.
That's pretty much it for today, PEACE!!! Bbye!!!
I know, before graduation, we'll be like, Keep In Touch and stuff, and during Form 1, we go back to our old school and hang out everytime there's an opportunity, but when we reach Form 2, several of us will be lazy to go, have more fun with their High School friends and all that. When I went back to Lick Hung this year, I only saw like 3 or 4 ppl from my old class. That's kinda sad. Well, I don't really hang out with my old friends anymore. As far as I'm concerned, 2012, PMR, Let Me In and the Dance Crew thingy is the most important thing on my mind now. Sometimes, I think my High School friends are a lot more fun than my Elementary school friends.
I dunno why, but I guess it has something to do when we grow up, you know, during Elementary school, it's all fun and games and everything. We learn easy maths and science, UPSR wasn't hard. I didn't pay attention for Science and even I got an A. Don't ask me how I did it. But now, we need to learn all the hard stuff like Algebra, Linear Equations and stuff. (I don't care if you think it's easy, it's hard for me and I'm trying to make a point here.)
Anyways, maybe it's because we have a different view and aspect for life now, since we reach High School and everything, yeah, we matured, we can still have fun, but seriously, Elementary isn't all that fun, for me. But, High School isn't all great. Remember, with every upside, there's ALWAYS a downside. When we reach High School, you're pretty much divided into 3 categories if you're a girl.
1. The popular girls and the occasional bitches.
2. Normal people who have a decent amount of friends.
3. The nobodies.
If you're a guy, it's something like this.
1. Big gang of gangsters.
2. Not so big gang of gangsters.
3. Small gang of gangsters.
4. No gang, but with friends.
5. Small group of friends.
There's something like this, and there's also the occasional girl who likes to post pics of herself but when people praise her, go say herself ugly. I'm sure you guys are familiar with this. I'm like, please, if you think you're ugly, why the hell are you posting this on Facebook? I mean, if your friends took this picture of you and posted it on Facebook, you CAN say it's ugly, but, if you SS take, I have nothing to say...
Gosh, I'm getting sidetracked, let's get back to me being bored. It's not even 2 weeks and ALREADY I'm bored. I have no idea why. I tried to keep myself entertained by playing SIMS 3, watching movies online and stuff, but those things get pretty old, especially when my SIMS daughter, Chloe, won't shut up after I taught her how to talk, I think it's a glitch... UGH!!! And yes, I named my SIMS 3 toddler daughter after Chloe Moretz, who plays Abby in Let Me In. Lolz, I'm so obsessed right now, I'm sooo getting the disc. Anyone of you who reads this are invited to come if you want when I get it. I'll post it up. LOLZ. If you're Si Ven's friend, just head over to her house and I'll come over with the DVD. Yes, I'm getting the DVD not the CD, cuz' the CD is pirated, I think.
So, if you're going to Si Ven's hse, she'll probably tell me. HAHA. Hopefully, I'll get the DVD faz. I'll post it up!!!
But if it's too long for the DVD to come up, I might get the CD.
That's pretty much it for today, PEACE!!! Bbye!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
This post has no title cuz' I'm too lazy to think of 1. Anyways, the stupid poster costs like RM60 to print. So, I'm gonna look for other places. 2nd, my bro and cousin, Si Ven is on their stupid school trips, so I'm kinda alone and doing nothing now... So retarded...
Gonna eat steak later, and then print the poster, gonna watch Let Me In AGAIN tmr. It's only the 2nd time, I wuz gonna go when I'm with Si Ven at Sunway, but her dad dun dare let me watch. Anyways, it wuz really boring..................................................
Gonna eat steak later, and then print the poster, gonna watch Let Me In AGAIN tmr. It's only the 2nd time, I wuz gonna go when I'm with Si Ven at Sunway, but her dad dun dare let me watch. Anyways, it wuz really boring..................................................
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Let Me In Movie Review
OK, this is like the 2nd post already, but, don't blame me! Blame my obsession!!! I freaking love that movie!!!!! It may have something to do with Chloe Grace Moretz (From Kick Ass), but it's a great show anyways, I'm gonna give a movie review about this show, with the summary and stuff. Mostly the summary though. I dunno, and a few pics, I guess...
The title of “Let Me In” might be understood as a plea to the audience. Even if you think you’ve had enough of the vampirization of popular culture — “Twilight,” “True Blood,” “The Vampire Diaries” and so on — find room in your heart for this one. And though it teases out the usual horror movie sensations of dread and anxiety and eyes-averted disgust, this movie also makes a direct and disarming play for affection, eliciting in viewers something akin to the awkward, resilient tenderness that is its subject.
Vampire romanticism is nothing new, of course. Millions of us, not just teenage girls, have followed the courtship of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen through every deep breath and smoldering glance. But the love story in “Let Me In,” between two 12-year-olds, one of them a blood-craving undead pixie named Abby, is both more intense and more innocent.
The subtext of the relationship is not sexuality, as it is in “Twilight” or “True Blood,” but rather the loneliness of children and their often unrecognized reservoirs of rage. Abby (ChloĆ« Grace Moretz) and her pal, a trembling, big-eyed boy named Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee), are fragile and quiet but also capable of horrifying violence.
“Let Me In,” Matt Reeves’s worthy and honorable remake of “Let the Right One In,” Tomas Alfredson’s Swedish adaptation of the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist, is disturbing because it takes you inside the minds of its young main characters, Owen in particular. Ignored and harangued at home by his mother — his parents are in the midst of a divorce — Owen is easy bait for bullies at school. He compensates for his powerlessness by bingeing on candy and shutting himself in his room, where he spies on the neighbors with a telescope and acts out sadistic serial-killer fantasies in front of the mirror.
“Are you scared, little girl?” he whispers, brandishing a kitchen knife and calling his imaginary victim exactly what his locker room tormentors call him.
The little girl who does arrive in Owen’s life — moving into the next apartment in his shabby little complex with a shambling, put-upon adult guardian (Richard Jenkins) — becomes the boy’s ally in a pact of mutual protection. “We can’t be friends,” she tells him when they first meet in the courtyard where he likes to sit alone at night, eating Now-and-Laters.
But of course they do, even as their moments of easy companionship are punctuated by a series of gruesome crimes, committed by the man Owen assumes is Abby’s father in order to feed her appetite for human blood. When the poor man messes up these hunting missions, as he often does, Abby must gather her own prey, which gives her (and Mr. Reeves) a chance to show off some creepy computer-aided monster skills.
The story holds a few surprises, but what makes “Let Me In” so eerily fascinating is the mood it creates. It is at once artful and unpretentious, more interested in intimacy and implication than in easy scares or slick effects. Mr. Reeves also made “Cloverfield,” a movie whose genuine formal cleverness was overshadowed by an annoying pseudo-documentary gimmick — recalling “The Blair Witch Project” and anticipating “Paranormal Activity” — as well as by some very annoying characters.
And the pics will be on top, k? Cuz' I have no idea how to place them...

OK, by now, I'm not sure if the pics are up or after my comment about I don't know how to move pics thing, but now I think it's bottom. So yeah, I know there's loads of Abby Owen pics, but, they're the main characters, so screw you. Lolz, I'm just joking. Anyways, I hope you'll take the time out to check this movie out, it's a really great show, I name it a full price movie. And uh, I know some of the pics look cacat-ed and I'm sorry.... But, just bear with it. Thanks
If any of you don't know what a full price movie means, well, it means, it's totally worth ur money. Gotta go now. Bbye!
The title of “Let Me In” might be understood as a plea to the audience. Even if you think you’ve had enough of the vampirization of popular culture — “Twilight,” “True Blood,” “The Vampire Diaries” and so on — find room in your heart for this one. And though it teases out the usual horror movie sensations of dread and anxiety and eyes-averted disgust, this movie also makes a direct and disarming play for affection, eliciting in viewers something akin to the awkward, resilient tenderness that is its subject.
Vampire romanticism is nothing new, of course. Millions of us, not just teenage girls, have followed the courtship of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen through every deep breath and smoldering glance. But the love story in “Let Me In,” between two 12-year-olds, one of them a blood-craving undead pixie named Abby, is both more intense and more innocent.
The subtext of the relationship is not sexuality, as it is in “Twilight” or “True Blood,” but rather the loneliness of children and their often unrecognized reservoirs of rage. Abby (ChloĆ« Grace Moretz) and her pal, a trembling, big-eyed boy named Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee), are fragile and quiet but also capable of horrifying violence.
“Let Me In,” Matt Reeves’s worthy and honorable remake of “Let the Right One In,” Tomas Alfredson’s Swedish adaptation of the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist, is disturbing because it takes you inside the minds of its young main characters, Owen in particular. Ignored and harangued at home by his mother — his parents are in the midst of a divorce — Owen is easy bait for bullies at school. He compensates for his powerlessness by bingeing on candy and shutting himself in his room, where he spies on the neighbors with a telescope and acts out sadistic serial-killer fantasies in front of the mirror.
“Are you scared, little girl?” he whispers, brandishing a kitchen knife and calling his imaginary victim exactly what his locker room tormentors call him.
The little girl who does arrive in Owen’s life — moving into the next apartment in his shabby little complex with a shambling, put-upon adult guardian (Richard Jenkins) — becomes the boy’s ally in a pact of mutual protection. “We can’t be friends,” she tells him when they first meet in the courtyard where he likes to sit alone at night, eating Now-and-Laters.
But of course they do, even as their moments of easy companionship are punctuated by a series of gruesome crimes, committed by the man Owen assumes is Abby’s father in order to feed her appetite for human blood. When the poor man messes up these hunting missions, as he often does, Abby must gather her own prey, which gives her (and Mr. Reeves) a chance to show off some creepy computer-aided monster skills.
The story holds a few surprises, but what makes “Let Me In” so eerily fascinating is the mood it creates. It is at once artful and unpretentious, more interested in intimacy and implication than in easy scares or slick effects. Mr. Reeves also made “Cloverfield,” a movie whose genuine formal cleverness was overshadowed by an annoying pseudo-documentary gimmick — recalling “The Blair Witch Project” and anticipating “Paranormal Activity” — as well as by some very annoying characters.
And the pics will be on top, k? Cuz' I have no idea how to place them...
OK, by now, I'm not sure if the pics are up or after my comment about I don't know how to move pics thing, but now I think it's bottom. So yeah, I know there's loads of Abby Owen pics, but, they're the main characters, so screw you. Lolz, I'm just joking. Anyways, I hope you'll take the time out to check this movie out, it's a really great show, I name it a full price movie. And uh, I know some of the pics look cacat-ed and I'm sorry.... But, just bear with it. Thanks
If any of you don't know what a full price movie means, well, it means, it's totally worth ur money. Gotta go now. Bbye!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Let Me In
Best movie ever. Seriously. Best movie ever. You HAVE to watch it, then after you watch it, go to my wall, and click on a link for people's choice awards and VOTE for it!!!!!!
Well, the show's basically bout this 12 year old vampire girl, Abby (Chloe Grace Moretz) and this little squirt, Owen ( I don't know his name). The vampire story is great, cuz':
1. They DON'T sparkle under the sun, they grow red and burn!!!!
2. This is pretty stupid but you'll have to invite them into ur hse or they'll just bleed and bleed and bleed till they die.
3. They need blood, and it's not 'vegetarian' blood.
4. It's so much better than Twilight.
If you'd ask me a few days ago about what my favorite movie was, I'd reply Harry Potter, but now, it's Let Me In the whole way. It's 18PG and kinda gory and disgusting, but otherwise, a good show, nonetheless. If I had to rate my Top 10 favorite movies, it would be:
10. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
9. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
8. The Simpsons Movie
7. Alice In Wonderland
6. Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets
5. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
4. Toy Story 3
3. Click
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
LOlz, that's it for tonight, bbye!
Well, the show's basically bout this 12 year old vampire girl, Abby (Chloe Grace Moretz) and this little squirt, Owen ( I don't know his name). The vampire story is great, cuz':
1. They DON'T sparkle under the sun, they grow red and burn!!!!
2. This is pretty stupid but you'll have to invite them into ur hse or they'll just bleed and bleed and bleed till they die.
3. They need blood, and it's not 'vegetarian' blood.
4. It's so much better than Twilight.
If you'd ask me a few days ago about what my favorite movie was, I'd reply Harry Potter, but now, it's Let Me In the whole way. It's 18PG and kinda gory and disgusting, but otherwise, a good show, nonetheless. If I had to rate my Top 10 favorite movies, it would be:
10. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
9. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
8. The Simpsons Movie
7. Alice In Wonderland
6. Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets
5. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
4. Toy Story 3
3. Click
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
LOlz, that's it for tonight, bbye!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Harry Potter
Wow! Went watching Harry Potter today. It wuz OK, the two guys look worse than b4 now. Lolz, this is a real short post. It's a good show, better than Twilight, if you ask me. Bbye!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
61st Post
OK, this is the official 61st post of my very much neglected blog. To tell the truth, I'm only blogging cuz' I feel guilty for the people who reads my blog and I like the cute little hamster. Anyways, I'm kinda hooked to listening to Eminem these days, his songs are great. They're meaningful, well, most of them. I'll give an example, this is the one everyone knows, Love the Way You Lie. It's about domestic violence. I'm sure you guys are all familiar with domestic violence, but I'll write it down cuz' I need to really fill up this post. Domestic violence can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation.[1] Domestic violence has many forms including physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g., neglect); and economic deprivation.[1] Alcohol consumption[2] and mental illness[3] can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional challenges when present alongside patterns of abuse.
Sorry it's long, you can skip it. I took it from Google since I found it hard to explain in my own words. Lolz. Anyways, there's more, but I'm too lazy to explain. Sorry. Moving on, we land on the topic that's mostly on people's blog currently.( Well, I think....)
The last day of school! I'm not gonna go on a lengthy discription ( I dunno how to spell discription) about how the day was, since it was raining all day. But we played water, we were splashing everyone. And uhm... unfortunately, one of my fren got pissed, so I apologized to her and we're cool. Lolz. I don't really like arguements cuz' it just makes everyone sad. The term 'everyone' here means me and my friend.
Well, that's what happened during the last day of school, oh, and we played Pepsi Cola, yes, I know, lame. And almost everyone was easy to kill, except Jia Le. We ended up giving up. That's all I guess...................................
Well, I did a bad job at this post, so many spellin mistakes and it;s kinda short. Oh well, maybe during the second week of the holidays. Till then, Bbye!
Sorry it's long, you can skip it. I took it from Google since I found it hard to explain in my own words. Lolz. Anyways, there's more, but I'm too lazy to explain. Sorry. Moving on, we land on the topic that's mostly on people's blog currently.( Well, I think....)
The last day of school! I'm not gonna go on a lengthy discription ( I dunno how to spell discription) about how the day was, since it was raining all day. But we played water, we were splashing everyone. And uhm... unfortunately, one of my fren got pissed, so I apologized to her and we're cool. Lolz. I don't really like arguements cuz' it just makes everyone sad. The term 'everyone' here means me and my friend.
Well, that's what happened during the last day of school, oh, and we played Pepsi Cola, yes, I know, lame. And almost everyone was easy to kill, except Jia Le. We ended up giving up. That's all I guess...................................
Well, I did a bad job at this post, so many spellin mistakes and it;s kinda short. Oh well, maybe during the second week of the holidays. Till then, Bbye!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
As you might've noticed, this post is without a title. Anyways, my friends were asking me bout what I like in school, so yeah, I'm gonna post about what I like best.
I like being alone and when it's quiet. Cuz' there's no one to judge me. I'm tired of being judge.
I like reading stuff. I read a lot of fanfics and books. Meaningful books, that is.
I like Avril Lavinge, Eminem, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift.
I like Eminem's songs, they're meaningful.
I like Avatar the Last Airbender and Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
I like stories that are sad, yet, always come out with a happy ending.
I like reading interesting stuff.
I like Azula and I also admire her. ( She's a cartoon character)
I like dancing.
I like Katie Cassidy.
I like T.O.P. He's 'yeng'...
I like lying.
I like pointing out things for people.
I like having a tough debate.
I like joking around with my friends.
That's partially what I like, cuz' there's nothing much going on right now and I'm thinking bout Assasin's Creed and who to assasinate.... LOLZ.
Well, that's bout it... Bbye!
I like being alone and when it's quiet. Cuz' there's no one to judge me. I'm tired of being judge.
I like reading stuff. I read a lot of fanfics and books. Meaningful books, that is.
I like Avril Lavinge, Eminem, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift.
I like Eminem's songs, they're meaningful.
I like Avatar the Last Airbender and Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
I like stories that are sad, yet, always come out with a happy ending.
I like reading interesting stuff.
I like Azula and I also admire her. ( She's a cartoon character)
I like dancing.
I like Katie Cassidy.
I like T.O.P. He's 'yeng'...
I like lying.
I like pointing out things for people.
I like having a tough debate.
I like joking around with my friends.
That's partially what I like, cuz' there's nothing much going on right now and I'm thinking bout Assasin's Creed and who to assasinate.... LOLZ.
Well, that's bout it... Bbye!
Monday, November 8, 2010
First of all, don't ask me about the title, I have no idea why I put it there. Well, on with the boring news first. Exam results. I must say, my first day is good.
I'm proud to say I got full marks on my English Bahagian C, and I'm also proud to say that my Maths have improved greatly. From E to B. So yeah.
Anyways, I've been thinking, you know how shows always portray the evil person as JUST the evil person? Don't you think there's a reason the bad guys do what they do? It might not be an evil reason, maybe they think they're justifying the world by doing it. Anyways, I'm using 1 of my favorite show as an example.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Not the movie, I hate the movie. The cartoon's great though. Anyways, if you guys watched it, you probably know the story. But I'll still kinda summarize.
1. Fire Nation starts war.
2. Avatar returns.
3. Banished Fire Nation prince tries to capture the Avatar.
4. Fire Nation lost during an attack towards the Nothern Water Tribe.
5. Fire Lord sents his 14 year old prodigy of a daughter to kill her older brother.
6. Princess Azula (the prodigy daughter) has 2 friends, Mai and Ty Lee.
7. Fight around the world.
8. Prince betrays uncle.
9. Princess nearly kills the Avatar with her lightning.
10. Princess gives credit to brother.
11. Avatar not dead.
12. Prince betrays the Fire Nation.
13. Princess's friends betrayed her.
14. Fire Lord doesn't want his daughter to participate in her plan. ( Destroying the Earth Kingdom)
15. Starts going crazy.
16. Avatar and friends win.
Yes, this is the summary for all 3 seasons. I left out a lot of important stuff, so you can watch it if you want. Anyways, Azula is the sadistic princess who's like all bent on killing and everything, but, like always, there's a reason for it. Well, first of all, she grew up thinking her mother thought she was a monster, and her dad shaped her into his perfect little weapon since she was a kid. Her brother had real friends, people who loved him and more, even if he isn't a prodigy. But, Azula had nothing. Her dad isn;t capable of loving, we all know that. So, this kinda ties with The Phantom Of The Opera, it's like, everyone wants a little love in their lives.
So, she chose to think that fear is the only way to gain friends and ensure loyalty. For her, it's 'Trust is for fools, fear is the only reliable way.' So... yeah... She's my favorite character in the show, and they're making a sequel, The Legend of Korra. I hope they won't execute her or anything.
And the Fire Nation starting the War thingy, well, they're only doing in what they BELIEVED in. You can believe in everything right. They were taught from little that the Fire Nation is the greatest civilication of all (that I agree) and the war was a way for them to share their greatness with the world. You can't actually blame someone for the way they think right? Anyways, this is my reason. I don't know why, I always look at things from a different angle and then ramble about it. I don't know why. Hahahaha.
Well, I guess that's bout it. Peace! Out! BbyE!
I'm proud to say I got full marks on my English Bahagian C, and I'm also proud to say that my Maths have improved greatly. From E to B. So yeah.
Anyways, I've been thinking, you know how shows always portray the evil person as JUST the evil person? Don't you think there's a reason the bad guys do what they do? It might not be an evil reason, maybe they think they're justifying the world by doing it. Anyways, I'm using 1 of my favorite show as an example.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Not the movie, I hate the movie. The cartoon's great though. Anyways, if you guys watched it, you probably know the story. But I'll still kinda summarize.
1. Fire Nation starts war.
2. Avatar returns.
3. Banished Fire Nation prince tries to capture the Avatar.
4. Fire Nation lost during an attack towards the Nothern Water Tribe.
5. Fire Lord sents his 14 year old prodigy of a daughter to kill her older brother.
6. Princess Azula (the prodigy daughter) has 2 friends, Mai and Ty Lee.
7. Fight around the world.
8. Prince betrays uncle.
9. Princess nearly kills the Avatar with her lightning.
10. Princess gives credit to brother.
11. Avatar not dead.
12. Prince betrays the Fire Nation.
13. Princess's friends betrayed her.
14. Fire Lord doesn't want his daughter to participate in her plan. ( Destroying the Earth Kingdom)
15. Starts going crazy.
16. Avatar and friends win.
Yes, this is the summary for all 3 seasons. I left out a lot of important stuff, so you can watch it if you want. Anyways, Azula is the sadistic princess who's like all bent on killing and everything, but, like always, there's a reason for it. Well, first of all, she grew up thinking her mother thought she was a monster, and her dad shaped her into his perfect little weapon since she was a kid. Her brother had real friends, people who loved him and more, even if he isn't a prodigy. But, Azula had nothing. Her dad isn;t capable of loving, we all know that. So, this kinda ties with The Phantom Of The Opera, it's like, everyone wants a little love in their lives.
So, she chose to think that fear is the only way to gain friends and ensure loyalty. For her, it's 'Trust is for fools, fear is the only reliable way.' So... yeah... She's my favorite character in the show, and they're making a sequel, The Legend of Korra. I hope they won't execute her or anything.
And the Fire Nation starting the War thingy, well, they're only doing in what they BELIEVED in. You can believe in everything right. They were taught from little that the Fire Nation is the greatest civilication of all (that I agree) and the war was a way for them to share their greatness with the world. You can't actually blame someone for the way they think right? Anyways, this is my reason. I don't know why, I always look at things from a different angle and then ramble about it. I don't know why. Hahahaha.
Well, I guess that's bout it. Peace! Out! BbyE!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
New Jacket
Hey! I got a new sleeveless hoodie, which is kinda great! It costs RM55.95, AFTER a 20% discount. And yes, I am truly ashamed to say that I bought it in JUSCO. But for my defence, I bought it in the Men's Department and, it does have a brand. Even if I've never heard about it before, I think it's called ' Blue Toms' or something like that. It's Black it color and it's size 'S'. It's a really cool hoodie, I might take pics of it, when I actually feel like it.
Anyways, the reason I bought the hoodie is for personal use and for the crew. The crew is actually some dance crew me and my friends made up. We do hip hop dances like bboy, robot, pop, lock and stuff. I'm learning bboy now. If you don't know what it is, go check it out on Google or Youtube. So far, I've nailed the Baby Freeze, Helicopter, Six Step( though I need it to go faster) and 1 of the TopRock moves. I'm learning more. I'm going to enroll myself into some dancing class, to improve cuz' we might go for competitions and stuff.
That's bout it. Hope I can pass Maths!
I won't cry if I fail though, but if I do, give me RM 1!
Anyways, the reason I bought the hoodie is for personal use and for the crew. The crew is actually some dance crew me and my friends made up. We do hip hop dances like bboy, robot, pop, lock and stuff. I'm learning bboy now. If you don't know what it is, go check it out on Google or Youtube. So far, I've nailed the Baby Freeze, Helicopter, Six Step( though I need it to go faster) and 1 of the TopRock moves. I'm learning more. I'm going to enroll myself into some dancing class, to improve cuz' we might go for competitions and stuff.
That's bout it. Hope I can pass Maths!
I won't cry if I fail though, but if I do, give me RM 1!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Baby Freeze!!!
So, I learned the Baby Freeze today, since I was sick I didn't go to skul. Anyways, when I showed my aunt she started to freak out and say I might break my neck or somethin, so I showed her some tutorial vidoes, and then she said, 'Just Listen To Me' and I'm like WTF!
Anyways, this'll really be a short post. So, I'm gonna learn the six step now. It's pretty easy, but you gotta do it fast or it looks really really really weird. Anyone know where to buy sleeveless hoodie????
Well, guess that's bout it. TOld ya this'll b a short post.
Anyways, this'll really be a short post. So, I'm gonna learn the six step now. It's pretty easy, but you gotta do it fast or it looks really really really weird. Anyone know where to buy sleeveless hoodie????
Well, guess that's bout it. TOld ya this'll b a short post.
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