I guess some ppl are gonna hate me for posting this up...
But, I had to...
I only have 2 words for you Bieber: YOU SUCK!!!
I think that's all for today, if you guys disagree with this post, you can always leave a comment in the cbox and I can give you all sorts if FACTS that he sucked...
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
MY hair is cut.... T.T
OK! I went to cut my hair just now, and I look weird...
Seriously, I. Look. Weird.
Not joking, really weird. I'm too ashamed to even post my pic up.
So, too bad.
If you all wanna see, go my school see la...
Seriously, I. Look. Weird.
Not joking, really weird. I'm too ashamed to even post my pic up.
So, too bad.
If you all wanna see, go my school see la...
That's It!
I'm putting my foot down! I'm gonna cut fringe! And I'm doing it tomorow! I don't think I'll post any pictures though...XD
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
RC hack working again!!1
OK! My RC hack is working again, but! I have to give my aunt an answer today... T.T!
In case you guys don't know what I'm talking bout, I have to give her the answer wether I wanna cut fringe or not. And she told me ' You better not say no! You got me worked up now, and if you say no, I'll be really angry."
I was like WTH, I mean, I thought I'd get a fair play in this, but, I have less than 12 hours to give her an answer!!!
So, pls tell me wether I should cut fringe or not. I'll post this same thing on FB and you guys tell me. That's all for today. Bbye!
In case you guys don't know what I'm talking bout, I have to give her the answer wether I wanna cut fringe or not. And she told me ' You better not say no! You got me worked up now, and if you say no, I'll be really angry."
I was like WTH, I mean, I thought I'd get a fair play in this, but, I have less than 12 hours to give her an answer!!!
So, pls tell me wether I should cut fringe or not. I'll post this same thing on FB and you guys tell me. That's all for today. Bbye!
Should I Cut Fringe Or Not?
So, I was wondering if I should cut fringe or not, because, if I cut, I'll get a skateboard from my cousin, and I can buy skateboard shoes... But, I'm afraid of people laugh at me...
That's the whole point anyways. I don't really care bout how I look anyways, I just care bout how ppl will think I look.
Anyways, my RC hack won't work... T.T
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
That's the whole point anyways. I don't really care bout how I look anyways, I just care bout how ppl will think I look.
Anyways, my RC hack won't work... T.T
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Need A Job
OK! The worst case senario happened. My aunt said that if she's gonna bring me to the place where I wanna go, I have to cut fringe... T.T
Anyways, I went skateboarding just now and I fell down flat on my butt when I tried to tail-stop. XD, I need more training, and this proves it, and I need protection gear, so I'm earning money now, if any of you, my relatives ONLY, if frens I also accept la, have a job, then ask me. XD.
Well, not all jobs are accepted though... If I don't think I can do it OR if I don't wanna do it, I won't accept. XD. I think that's all for today. Bbye!
Anyways, I went skateboarding just now and I fell down flat on my butt when I tried to tail-stop. XD, I need more training, and this proves it, and I need protection gear, so I'm earning money now, if any of you, my relatives ONLY, if frens I also accept la, have a job, then ask me. XD.
Well, not all jobs are accepted though... If I don't think I can do it OR if I don't wanna do it, I won't accept. XD. I think that's all for today. Bbye!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Great... My maths test marks are coming in today and there will be two possibilities: 1) I'll fail it.
2) I'll past it.
That's all for the two possibilities. Actually, eeryone's possibilities are probably the same. I wish I was in some school where they don't have exams and other stuff. Anyways, I'm gonna study harder for my next exam. I'm looking forward to watch Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Movie!!! Awesome or what? I watched the trailer already. XD.
Anyways, I'm just really bored, and I'm posting now because I have tuition later, so, that's pretty much it, I know it's short, but with me posting as much as I could, there isn't really much to say. But, if I havr stuff to say, I'll post it out, Bbye!
2) I'll past it.
That's all for the two possibilities. Actually, eeryone's possibilities are probably the same. I wish I was in some school where they don't have exams and other stuff. Anyways, I'm gonna study harder for my next exam. I'm looking forward to watch Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Movie!!! Awesome or what? I watched the trailer already. XD.
Anyways, I'm just really bored, and I'm posting now because I have tuition later, so, that's pretty much it, I know it's short, but with me posting as much as I could, there isn't really much to say. But, if I havr stuff to say, I'll post it out, Bbye!
Wish List...
OK, this is just a quick post as I had nothing to do...
My Wish List
1. Someone would teach me how to skateboard
2. Someone would give me RM200
3. Someone would bring me to SF002, 2nd Floor, Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia so I can spend my RM200.
4. Someone would bring me to the Shah Alam or Petaling Jaya skatepark
5. Someone would take an interest in skating with me.
6. Someone would buy for me all sorts of stuff for my skateboard.
7. I can be a professional skateboarder
That's my wishlist. If anyone can fulfill even one of them, I'd be happy. I'm saving my money up now to buy skateboarding shoes, a skateboard with metal trucks and good wheels, a helmet, knee and elbow pads, tools for my skateboard, extra trucks and wheels, and other stuff.
My Wish List
1. Someone would teach me how to skateboard
2. Someone would give me RM200
3. Someone would bring me to SF002, 2nd Floor, Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia so I can spend my RM200.
4. Someone would bring me to the Shah Alam or Petaling Jaya skatepark
5. Someone would take an interest in skating with me.
6. Someone would buy for me all sorts of stuff for my skateboard.
7. I can be a professional skateboarder
That's my wishlist. If anyone can fulfill even one of them, I'd be happy. I'm saving my money up now to buy skateboarding shoes, a skateboard with metal trucks and good wheels, a helmet, knee and elbow pads, tools for my skateboard, extra trucks and wheels, and other stuff.
Make Up For Yesterday...
So, this is my second post today. It's because I feel guilty about not posting anything fo yesterday. So, I got some of my test results back, I have to say that they were OK for my standards. Cuz' some people's OK standards are different. I remember some guy got 70%++ and cried. OMG! 70%++ is so pro liao weih. Anyways, as you all know it rained pretty hard today and our school's electricity came off and the sound of the thunder is really loud. So, Alicesra screamed 3 times and hugged Jie Ting. OMG!!! Freaking funny leh!!!XD!!!
Anyways, I'll tell you ALL of my marks after I get them. That's all for today. Bbye!
Anyways, I'll tell you ALL of my marks after I get them. That's all for today. Bbye!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
At Ipoh
Sorry yesterday didn't post anything, I was at Ipoh the whole day. Woke up at 6.20 a.m. then go Ipoh, but before go Ipoh doing basic stuff like brush teeth and change shirt. Then at car there, my bro slept on my lap. So, I can't sleep, and then he's head suddenly heavy liao, so I kept moving around to wake him up, but he won't wake, so I gave up. Then, when we reached Tapah, he woke up. So, I relaxed, and then the radio started going scratchy, my dad said we cannot listen to the radio anymore, so, I took out my Walkman, except that my Walkman spoil liao.
Cannot see the picture one, so, I had to estimate. When we reached I went to the Pasar. So, we bought some stuff and then we go temple. When we got back, we played BlackJack and some other game, actually, I play until my wallet damn full and thick, but I greedy until lost all.
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Cannot see the picture one, so, I had to estimate. When we reached I went to the Pasar. So, we bought some stuff and then we go temple. When we got back, we played BlackJack and some other game, actually, I play until my wallet damn full and thick, but I greedy until lost all.
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Bro Watching Supernatural
So, my bro asked me to watch Supernatural, so I'm gonna watch it soon. So, I'm gonna make this post short. Oh, nevermind, he's watching Ben 10 at the moment. I'm gonna go Ipoh tomorow, and then, my holiday will be over, and then I'll get my test results. I haven't even finished homework yet. Oh well, that's life, right? You procastinate, and finally you panic. In case you guys don't know what procastinate is, it's putting off something you don't like to do, or something which is boring until the last minute, XD.
Anyways, my bro onned the disc, but I don't really feel like watching it, so I'm gonna make this post longer, I try to update my blog everyday so you guys will have stuff to read and not feel bored. But, sometimes, there really isn't anything to talk about. So, maybe I'll post something tomorow, maybe I won't.
Well, that's all about today. Bbye!
Anyways, my bro onned the disc, but I don't really feel like watching it, so I'm gonna make this post longer, I try to update my blog everyday so you guys will have stuff to read and not feel bored. But, sometimes, there really isn't anything to talk about. So, maybe I'll post something tomorow, maybe I won't.
Well, that's all about today. Bbye!
Local Park

Hi, so I went to the park today and I saw my friend. She was jogging and I was cycling with my brother. Anyways, remember bout the mini skateboard park in one of my earlier posts? Well, when I got there, there weren't any kids, so I was pretty happy, as I thought the kids stopped playing these ridiculous things.
So, I thought maybe I could go there tomorow and skateboard over there, considering there are no kids to get hurt with me. So after cycling for a few rounds, the kids came. I was annoyed. This is stupid. What's so fun about running up and down these ramps.
And lately, Voons has been disturbing me at really bad times, sorry Voons, but I'm always busy when you drop by. I dunno why, I'm just busy. XD. You know, when I read the Movie Book, you know, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, the book I mentioned in my last post, didn't have Holly Hills or Heather Hills in it. So, I went Googling, and I found out that Holly Hills is going to be replaced by Angie. The actress' name is Chloe Moretz, posting her pic now.
Anyways, you guys wanna know how the Cheese would look like? Lemme show you. Looks sick right? Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary!!!

Yo! This is a description about the whole book, in case you can't buy it. So, we're going to number 1,2,3 and so on. Pictures first, then description. I'll point out which picture is which.
1. Anyways, the last picture is the first 1. So, you can see the cover, where Greg Heffley and a kid is stading. That kid is Zach Gordon, the kid who'll be Greg in the upcoming show, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.
2. The second last picture shows the back of the book where you can see some snapshots of the movie.
3. The picture in the middle is the first Greg Heffley! You wouldn't have guessed that Greg Heffley was difficult to draw, as he's basically part of the stick figure family.
4. Now, the second picture is Rowley! He's kinda fat. The kid portraying Rowley is called Robert Pattinson. LOL! Joking, he's Robert Capron. LOL! He looks kinda ugly though.
5. The first picture, which shows the Heffleys. You can guess which is which though. WELL, that's all for today. Post more pictures soon. Bbye!
OK, it's been like the 4th day of the holiday now, and I haven't even started on my homework yet. And, with each day coming closer, I'm also coming closer to recieve my exam results, which, is NOT good. I think I'm gonna flunk Maths, Geography and Chinese. And I'm also gonna get beat.
I'm gonna practice my skateboarding soon. I still haven't learn how to ollie yet. But I made some progress in other basic stuff. Like previously, I can't really bring the board up to stop as I'm afrraid I would fall, now I could do it for 5 times without messing up. Means 5 over 5 la. XD.
Anyways, I said I'd post pictures bout the movie book. I'm gonna do it on the next post. So hold on or a minute! Bbye!
I'm gonna practice my skateboarding soon. I still haven't learn how to ollie yet. But I made some progress in other basic stuff. Like previously, I can't really bring the board up to stop as I'm afrraid I would fall, now I could do it for 5 times without messing up. Means 5 over 5 la. XD.
Anyways, I said I'd post pictures bout the movie book. I'm gonna do it on the next post. So hold on or a minute! Bbye!
Back From Sunway Pyramid.
Ok, I'm back from my trip. XD. Anyways, I'll give you a really good description on what happened. But, I'd like you to know that no pictures in the gathering will be posted as I don't have a camera.
First, I went to Mun Wai's house so he could fetch me to Sunway Pyramid along with Jie Ting and Rue Shen. Just so you know, this is my first time not going ice-skating when I go on a gathering. And, Wai Yee didn't go. Which is also fine by me, as, Wai Yee doesn't do much at gatherings.
The previous gatherings I went with her, most of the stuff she does is send stuff with Si Lin and Jiason, whih, I had to point out is kinda boring. But, on with the gathering thing. Well, what we didn't know is that Mun Wai's cousin is following, and it's kinda squeezy because HIS cousin has to fetch his own friends. So, I had to squeeze there, crammed up for about an hour, at least, it felt like an hour as they went to search for James, Mun Wai's cousin's friend.
So, when we reached, I was surprised as I saw Ming Hang, some guy from my chinese class at school. Well, after that, we went to get our tickets. Rue Shen bought kids tickets and the guy was like, are you guys above 13? And we said yes, so he let us iin, bt shouldn't he be doing his job?
Nvm, then we went to the arcade and played for a while, after that, Jia Le, and her twin sister, Jia Ying came with two girls, I recgonize Whitney, but I forgot the other girl's name. XD, we went to eat McDonalds, but, of course, I can't eat, so I had to sit there and watch them eat. After that, we went watching Alice In Wonderland.
Then the rest of the time and money was pretty much blown on arcades. Then I went to the bookshop and bought a book. I will post pictures out as soon as possible, but, on with the gathering. Which, is over. LOL.
I went to eat Victoria Station later on. But that's all for today. Bbye!
First, I went to Mun Wai's house so he could fetch me to Sunway Pyramid along with Jie Ting and Rue Shen. Just so you know, this is my first time not going ice-skating when I go on a gathering. And, Wai Yee didn't go. Which is also fine by me, as, Wai Yee doesn't do much at gatherings.
The previous gatherings I went with her, most of the stuff she does is send stuff with Si Lin and Jiason, whih, I had to point out is kinda boring. But, on with the gathering thing. Well, what we didn't know is that Mun Wai's cousin is following, and it's kinda squeezy because HIS cousin has to fetch his own friends. So, I had to squeeze there, crammed up for about an hour, at least, it felt like an hour as they went to search for James, Mun Wai's cousin's friend.
So, when we reached, I was surprised as I saw Ming Hang, some guy from my chinese class at school. Well, after that, we went to get our tickets. Rue Shen bought kids tickets and the guy was like, are you guys above 13? And we said yes, so he let us iin, bt shouldn't he be doing his job?
Nvm, then we went to the arcade and played for a while, after that, Jia Le, and her twin sister, Jia Ying came with two girls, I recgonize Whitney, but I forgot the other girl's name. XD, we went to eat McDonalds, but, of course, I can't eat, so I had to sit there and watch them eat. After that, we went watching Alice In Wonderland.
Then the rest of the time and money was pretty much blown on arcades. Then I went to the bookshop and bought a book. I will post pictures out as soon as possible, but, on with the gathering. Which, is over. LOL.
I went to eat Victoria Station later on. But that's all for today. Bbye!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I give a big YO! to my readers out there. First of all, I'm amazed i got this far, I never thought I'd be able to have a blog which could last this long. So, I'm certainly very pleased with myself and my readers.
Secondly, I'm learning how to ollie on a skateboard, which means, making the board jump up with you I know all the steps and why they should be done. I just can't do it. I need practice, and this is really hard, oh well, everyone has to face challenges in learning something. I hope I can go pro someday so I can LCLY. LOL. Joking.
Third, I'm going out tomorow, and I'm really excited. I don't feel like sleeping, so I started posting. Supernatural Season 4 is OK I guess. Although, I gotta say, I like the old Ruby better than the new one. The old Ruby was portrayed by an actress named Katie Cassidy. XD. Season 4 is OK, but not as good as Season 3.
Fourth, I finished the campaign of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 100%. I know I mentioned this in Facebook, but I thought maybe some of the readers didn't invite me on Facebook, which is very unlikely, but, just in case. I like to spread good news around. Well, my good news.
Fifth, after seeing the upper part of this post, you can just turn around. Cuz' this part is all about the ollie. So, if ur not intrested in skateboarding, you can leave. This is a through guide from me, even though I can't do it, I can explain in detail as I spend most of my time watching videos from Youtube and going on Google to look for ways.
Steps to the ollie is easy, it's just three different steps:
1)You pop the board- You slam your back foot on the tail of the ground making the upper part of the skateboard in the air.
2)You jump
3) You slide your front foot forward.
Now, this is soooo easy, anybody can do that!!! So, why do beginners have problems doing it? Well, the key to this trick is TIMING! Timing timing timing. When you pop the board, you have to make sure that you jump and the same time, then slide your front foot forward, all these have to be none in mere seconds. That's why it's hard.
Anyways, bout the foot position-ing. You notice ur board has 4 bolts on the front and back? Well, your front feet should be around the middle of the board. And your back feet should be at the tip of your board's tail, that way, you can slam it down.
Now, you might ask, why should we slide the front foot up? Those it has anything to do with jumping? Well, yes! Most skaters think it's just to level the board up, true, but there's another reason. As you slide your front foot up, you're actually pulling ur board up into the air by using friction.
The landing, just simply bemd your knees to avoid the impact. Ollying may sound easy, but it's the hardest trick every beginner has to endure. You can't call yourself a regular before you learn this trick. And I'm still learning! That's all for now. Bbye!
Secondly, I'm learning how to ollie on a skateboard, which means, making the board jump up with you I know all the steps and why they should be done. I just can't do it. I need practice, and this is really hard, oh well, everyone has to face challenges in learning something. I hope I can go pro someday so I can LCLY. LOL. Joking.
Third, I'm going out tomorow, and I'm really excited. I don't feel like sleeping, so I started posting. Supernatural Season 4 is OK I guess. Although, I gotta say, I like the old Ruby better than the new one. The old Ruby was portrayed by an actress named Katie Cassidy. XD. Season 4 is OK, but not as good as Season 3.
Fourth, I finished the campaign of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 100%. I know I mentioned this in Facebook, but I thought maybe some of the readers didn't invite me on Facebook, which is very unlikely, but, just in case. I like to spread good news around. Well, my good news.
Fifth, after seeing the upper part of this post, you can just turn around. Cuz' this part is all about the ollie. So, if ur not intrested in skateboarding, you can leave. This is a through guide from me, even though I can't do it, I can explain in detail as I spend most of my time watching videos from Youtube and going on Google to look for ways.
Steps to the ollie is easy, it's just three different steps:
1)You pop the board- You slam your back foot on the tail of the ground making the upper part of the skateboard in the air.
2)You jump
3) You slide your front foot forward.
Now, this is soooo easy, anybody can do that!!! So, why do beginners have problems doing it? Well, the key to this trick is TIMING! Timing timing timing. When you pop the board, you have to make sure that you jump and the same time, then slide your front foot forward, all these have to be none in mere seconds. That's why it's hard.
Anyways, bout the foot position-ing. You notice ur board has 4 bolts on the front and back? Well, your front feet should be around the middle of the board. And your back feet should be at the tip of your board's tail, that way, you can slam it down.
Now, you might ask, why should we slide the front foot up? Those it has anything to do with jumping? Well, yes! Most skaters think it's just to level the board up, true, but there's another reason. As you slide your front foot up, you're actually pulling ur board up into the air by using friction.
The landing, just simply bemd your knees to avoid the impact. Ollying may sound easy, but it's the hardest trick every beginner has to endure. You can't call yourself a regular before you learn this trick. And I'm still learning! That's all for now. Bbye!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
End Of The World
So, as we all know, ppl say the world is going to end at 21st December 2012, but the Bible says it's going to end at October 21st 2011. OK, so that means we have a year plus to live, let's live it well.
And I will try to be better, and correct myself so I'll enter heaven. XD, that's all. Bbye!
And I will try to be better, and correct myself so I'll enter heaven. XD, that's all. Bbye!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Ok, I'm pretty annoyed now, with myself, to be precise. Because, I can't seem to ollie. I know the stuff, I know what I should do, I know what are the moves, I can even memorize it in my sleep. Problem is, I don't dare to pop the board when I jump. I can jump and land on my skateboard, no problem, but, I don't dare to pop the board. Truth is, I'm afraid of falling.
I don't mind broken bones on hands, preferably my right, so I don't have to go to school, but I don't know why, I'm still afraid of falling. I wish someone can just teach me. I'm sick of reading forums and watching the same vids again and again wondering to myself why can they do it and why can't I? In America. ppl skate a lot and there's really spacious skating parks for you to skate at and stuff. And, there'll be loads of ppl. So, you can really walk up to them and ask them to teach you and stuff.
Over here, there's a tiny skatepark near my house with ramps and stuff, but, usually kids are all running around it going crazy. I don't even know what's so fun about running up and down ramps when you end up getting hurt yourself. OK! I admit I've been running up and down ramps for a few times now, but that's because I'm bored.
I wish God would make me a great skater, all I know now is just basic street skating, like moving, stopping, turning 180 degrees and basic turning. I suck, I'm gonna keep practicing and post pictures about it after I've achieved it. XD. That's all for today. Bbye!
I don't mind broken bones on hands, preferably my right, so I don't have to go to school, but I don't know why, I'm still afraid of falling. I wish someone can just teach me. I'm sick of reading forums and watching the same vids again and again wondering to myself why can they do it and why can't I? In America. ppl skate a lot and there's really spacious skating parks for you to skate at and stuff. And, there'll be loads of ppl. So, you can really walk up to them and ask them to teach you and stuff.
Over here, there's a tiny skatepark near my house with ramps and stuff, but, usually kids are all running around it going crazy. I don't even know what's so fun about running up and down ramps when you end up getting hurt yourself. OK! I admit I've been running up and down ramps for a few times now, but that's because I'm bored.
I wish God would make me a great skater, all I know now is just basic street skating, like moving, stopping, turning 180 degrees and basic turning. I suck, I'm gonna keep practicing and post pictures about it after I've achieved it. XD. That's all for today. Bbye!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Freaking Lucky
Wow, this whole week it rained and rained and rained, except for Thursday, which is really amazing, because it was my P.E day. It was awesome, we played futsal, the first round Aina hurt her leg, so we stopped playing for a while, then, for the second round, we just did penalty kicks. I was the goalkeeper, and I'm proud to say I blocked all the balls. Well, some of the balls could've got in because some of them kicked real hard like Yong Ning and Jia Le, but, thankfully, they kicked it into the wrong direction.
For the third round, I was the goalkeeper, but I kept running outta my post to play, I SCORED BOUT 2-3 GOALS. XD. Anyways, it's the holiday, so I'm kinda happy, my RC lvl-up to lvl 36 liao, all because of the hack. And I'm going to Sunway Pyramid on Wednesday with my friends to watch Alice In Wonderland. That's all for today. Bbye!
For the third round, I was the goalkeeper, but I kept running outta my post to play, I SCORED BOUT 2-3 GOALS. XD. Anyways, it's the holiday, so I'm kinda happy, my RC lvl-up to lvl 36 liao, all because of the hack. And I'm going to Sunway Pyramid on Wednesday with my friends to watch Alice In Wonderland. That's all for today. Bbye!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Flunking Tests
OK! It's been a long time now, but, I was too upset to post. You see, even though my tests are over, I can't relax. Cuz' I'm sure my test results will be poor. I mean, it's not like some miracle will happen. Haiz. Anyways, the good news: I bought Supernatural Season 3 and 4 adi. Isn't that awesome?
I'm still debating about wanting to post the pics up or not. What do you guys think? Do you guys want to see the pics? I doubt it, but if you want to, I'll post it up. Leave a comment and I'll get to it.
The next good news is that next week, by this day, I'll be going to Sunway Pyramid with my friends to watch Alice In Wonderland. I wanted to go to Summit, but, nvm la. That's all I have to post for today. Bbye!
I'm still debating about wanting to post the pics up or not. What do you guys think? Do you guys want to see the pics? I doubt it, but if you want to, I'll post it up. Leave a comment and I'll get to it.
The next good news is that next week, by this day, I'll be going to Sunway Pyramid with my friends to watch Alice In Wonderland. I wanted to go to Summit, but, nvm la. That's all I have to post for today. Bbye!
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