Saturday, December 11, 2010
Making A New Blog
Hey guys! I hope you all are having an awesome holiday, cuz' frankly, mine's suck. There's nothing to do during the holidays, all I do is go on Facebook, play games, read and a whole bunch of other useless stuff that isn't gonna ease my boredom. My friends get to go to exotic places around the world while I'm at home doing nothing. How is that fair? Well, life ain't fair. I get the concept. Anyways, I'm gonna make a new blog, yeah, I know, it sucks, I mean, after 72 posts, I'm giving up on this? Well, yeah, I am. So screw it. So, yeah, I'll contact my readers bout it.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunway Trip
LMAO, I found out a lot of people are going to Sunway today (10/12/10), awesome. My brother is going, Mee Ven is going, and when I got there, loads of kids were there too! What's up with that? What's so special bout today? B4 you ask me why I went there and what's so special bout today, I'm gonna tell you why. I promised my older cousin sis that I would watch Rapunzel with her AFTER she finished her college exams, which is yesterday, so I went out with her today. See! That's my reason, you got nothin on me now. Wait, I'm just spouting crap. IGNORE!!!
Like I said in Facebook, (if you added me) I can't go online cuz' Unifi is updating some bull shit stuff, so I'm at my older cousin's sis house, using my older cousin bro's laptop. And since I'm gonna have a lot of stuff to say, we're gonna start from now. There's gonna be like 3 or 4 topics, yeah, not a lot, but I like elaborating, so it's probably gonna be long, hopefully. Yeah, I said hopefully, it means it's not guaranteed to be long. So let's start.
Well, my first topic is bout Kick Ass, yeah, it's been on cinema for a long time, well, this year. But, I watched it around the holidays, so I'm gonna talk bout it today. To past the time and to have as much online time to entertain you guys. Anyways, getting side tracked again, back to the topic. The movie teaches us something, and the something is that you don't have to have superpowers to be a superhero. Look at what Kick Ass did! Dave bought a wet suit and became Kick Ass, becoming inspiration for many. It's like 'If I can do it, you can too'. Dave didn't have superpowers, no radioactive spiders, no coming from a different planet, no intense training and super cool gadgets like Batman, but he became a hero and helped ppl, well, he helped 2 ppl, but at least that's something.
Hit Girl rocks!!! And yes, I watched Kick Ass because of Chloe Moretz, don't judge me! Continuing, if you saw a couple of kids getting picked on, like giving money to bullies, what would you do? Come on, be honest with yourself, would you help? You're probably gonna turn a blind eye to this thinking it's not my problem. Am I right? I think I am. The point is, everyone can help, the only reason the world's full of bad guys is because humans are selfish and ignorant. The reason there's poverty and kids are starving all around the world is because the governments all around the world can't help. They're coming up with stuff like economy's bad and stuff. And yes, it's true, but that happens because of humans.
We tear down whatever we want. What gives us the right to? Animals were here b4 us, what gives us the right to tear down their homes, kill them for their fur or keep them for our own amusements? Can't we just share the world? There's plenty of space for everyone if we didn't have big houses, mansions and stuff.
And you wanna know why poverty happens? I'll give you another reason. War. Government start wars to get the land, to get the stuff IN the land. Let me ask you this? What can you profit from a Goddamn war? The land doesn't belong to you. People were here b4 you, heck, animals were here b4 you. It doesn't give you the right to take it. War just creates misery. Economy's down cuz' of war. War destroys everything. We use our country's money to buy stuff like guns, grenades, tanks, jets and stuff. That costs loads of money and like I said before, it doesn't do us any good.
Alright, something before going to the next topic, I just wanna say, my house has internet. Woohoo! Yeah, I wuz righting part of this in my cousin's house, but then I had to go home, so I saved the draft. Yeah, I saved it right about the 'war destroys everything' part. And yeah, I got sidetracked, big time. I don't know how talking bout Kick Ass lead me to talk bout war and poverty, but yeah, that's how I always elaborate useless stuff when I'm rambling on and on and on about nothing in particular.
The good news is, this topic is going to be shorter, it's just about the movie I watched today, Rapunzel. Yeah, great story. Funny stuff. But, it was all TOO predictable, you know, something sad happens at last, girl/boy cry over it, usually the guy dies or something terrible happens but you get the picture. Yeah, miracle happens, they live happily ever after, Lah Dee Dum!!
Ya liked that? Told you it would be short. OK, I have no idea what to post about the next topic but I said I would have 3 or 4 topics, so I WILL have 3 or more topics. Well, frankly, I have no more topics, but when I started to write, I remembered I have 3 topics... UGH!!!!!
Well, since there's no topic, I'll just talk bout some crap... Wait! I remembered! Yeah, so I'm gonna launch back to the 3rd topic.
OK, my 3rd and probably final topic is, I hate people who bitch about other people in their blogs. A blog is like a journal, you know, for you to write bout what's going around ur life and crap, but nowadays, people are misusing things like the internet for defamation of other people. That's kinda low. When you bitch bout ppl, ppl will bitch back about you and they're gonna start an all out war. Especially girls. Since guys don't really have a blog, they'll tend to settle things with fists rather than intuition. And girls, well, if you mess with the popular ones, your life is ready for hell. Popular girls can influence a lot of people and stuff. I know cuz' when school happens, these things tend to happen, and you can see everyone posting about it. Look, I'm not saying what the popular girls do are wrong, nor am I saying their right, cuz' when you look at this from two sides, there's always a right and wrong. Maybe the person the popular girl did deserve to be bitched on, but, maybe the person just did an honest mistake?
Well, that's all the time and attention spam I have for today. Bbye!
Like I said in Facebook, (if you added me) I can't go online cuz' Unifi is updating some bull shit stuff, so I'm at my older cousin's sis house, using my older cousin bro's laptop. And since I'm gonna have a lot of stuff to say, we're gonna start from now. There's gonna be like 3 or 4 topics, yeah, not a lot, but I like elaborating, so it's probably gonna be long, hopefully. Yeah, I said hopefully, it means it's not guaranteed to be long. So let's start.
Well, my first topic is bout Kick Ass, yeah, it's been on cinema for a long time, well, this year. But, I watched it around the holidays, so I'm gonna talk bout it today. To past the time and to have as much online time to entertain you guys. Anyways, getting side tracked again, back to the topic. The movie teaches us something, and the something is that you don't have to have superpowers to be a superhero. Look at what Kick Ass did! Dave bought a wet suit and became Kick Ass, becoming inspiration for many. It's like 'If I can do it, you can too'. Dave didn't have superpowers, no radioactive spiders, no coming from a different planet, no intense training and super cool gadgets like Batman, but he became a hero and helped ppl, well, he helped 2 ppl, but at least that's something.
Hit Girl rocks!!! And yes, I watched Kick Ass because of Chloe Moretz, don't judge me! Continuing, if you saw a couple of kids getting picked on, like giving money to bullies, what would you do? Come on, be honest with yourself, would you help? You're probably gonna turn a blind eye to this thinking it's not my problem. Am I right? I think I am. The point is, everyone can help, the only reason the world's full of bad guys is because humans are selfish and ignorant. The reason there's poverty and kids are starving all around the world is because the governments all around the world can't help. They're coming up with stuff like economy's bad and stuff. And yes, it's true, but that happens because of humans.
We tear down whatever we want. What gives us the right to? Animals were here b4 us, what gives us the right to tear down their homes, kill them for their fur or keep them for our own amusements? Can't we just share the world? There's plenty of space for everyone if we didn't have big houses, mansions and stuff.
And you wanna know why poverty happens? I'll give you another reason. War. Government start wars to get the land, to get the stuff IN the land. Let me ask you this? What can you profit from a Goddamn war? The land doesn't belong to you. People were here b4 you, heck, animals were here b4 you. It doesn't give you the right to take it. War just creates misery. Economy's down cuz' of war. War destroys everything. We use our country's money to buy stuff like guns, grenades, tanks, jets and stuff. That costs loads of money and like I said before, it doesn't do us any good.
Alright, something before going to the next topic, I just wanna say, my house has internet. Woohoo! Yeah, I wuz righting part of this in my cousin's house, but then I had to go home, so I saved the draft. Yeah, I saved it right about the 'war destroys everything' part. And yeah, I got sidetracked, big time. I don't know how talking bout Kick Ass lead me to talk bout war and poverty, but yeah, that's how I always elaborate useless stuff when I'm rambling on and on and on about nothing in particular.
The good news is, this topic is going to be shorter, it's just about the movie I watched today, Rapunzel. Yeah, great story. Funny stuff. But, it was all TOO predictable, you know, something sad happens at last, girl/boy cry over it, usually the guy dies or something terrible happens but you get the picture. Yeah, miracle happens, they live happily ever after, Lah Dee Dum!!
Ya liked that? Told you it would be short. OK, I have no idea what to post about the next topic but I said I would have 3 or 4 topics, so I WILL have 3 or more topics. Well, frankly, I have no more topics, but when I started to write, I remembered I have 3 topics... UGH!!!!!
Well, since there's no topic, I'll just talk bout some crap... Wait! I remembered! Yeah, so I'm gonna launch back to the 3rd topic.
OK, my 3rd and probably final topic is, I hate people who bitch about other people in their blogs. A blog is like a journal, you know, for you to write bout what's going around ur life and crap, but nowadays, people are misusing things like the internet for defamation of other people. That's kinda low. When you bitch bout ppl, ppl will bitch back about you and they're gonna start an all out war. Especially girls. Since guys don't really have a blog, they'll tend to settle things with fists rather than intuition. And girls, well, if you mess with the popular ones, your life is ready for hell. Popular girls can influence a lot of people and stuff. I know cuz' when school happens, these things tend to happen, and you can see everyone posting about it. Look, I'm not saying what the popular girls do are wrong, nor am I saying their right, cuz' when you look at this from two sides, there's always a right and wrong. Maybe the person the popular girl did deserve to be bitched on, but, maybe the person just did an honest mistake?
Well, that's all the time and attention spam I have for today. Bbye!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
What I Wanna Do For The Holidays
Hey, what's up? Yeah, I know, it's kinda late to post all these kinda stuff, I mean, the holidays started like, last month, BUT, in MY defense, It's just like a couple of weeks into holidays and stuff, even though it seems much much longer to me.
Anyways, I've pretty much boggled down what I wanna do for the holidays and what I wanna accomplish and stuff like that. Well, what I wanna do AND accomplish for the holidays is a few break dancing moves, you know, I've got the Baby Freeze down, but please, no one takes the Baby Freeze seriously, I mean, it's one of the most basic thing u learn in b-boy class and stuff. So yeah, I'm gonna list out what I wanna accomplish. I can't just go back to school and tell everyone 'Nah, my holidays are kinda boring.' That would be lame.
Back to the topic, so what I wanna accomplish IS:
1. Chair Freeze
2. Air Chair
3. Air Baby
4. Top Rock Moves
5. Handstand
6. Moonwalk
Let's see if I can accomplish these or fail miserably, I might extend it, if I finish it all, most of the stuff here are gold, not a lot of people can do it and I can show off, yes, I like showing off, it's one of my many bad traits. I don't really wanna say anything bout my studies and stuff, but I would like to get my arm and wrist strength stronger, so I'm going to submit myself to countless pumping exercises. And I might be going to dance classes and stuff, if I have the time to sign up for them.
Oh, and I would like to complete my fanfic. Not gonna say about what. But yeah, it's more like a chore now. But, it would be a great accomplishment, I'm working on Chapter 20 now, but I've seen to lost my muse. It used to be great, cuz' I could keep it short, but now, I have to dwell further into the story and come up with more details, and I would like to have more than 10 reviews, thank you very much. But yeah, I'm really grateful for the people who actually read and reviewed my story. I mean, it really means a lot to me. OK, nuff' said about my fanfic and about how I'm happy, I'm getting off tracked again.
So, there's a lot more I would like to accomplish, but let's leave that for next year. Speaking about next year, PMR, big news. Loads of people are gonna be stressed about it. I would of course want straight As, but since I'm too lazy to work for it, I'd be very happy to even get 5As. Speaking about it, I would be happy just to PASS all subjects. Yeap, so I'm gonna have to TRY to study hard next year. Hopefully, I would be more responsible next year and not waste my time.
That leads to ANOTHER thing, PROCRASTINATION. Like me, loads of you will say 'Wait la, 5 more minutes.' or 'Tomorrow only do la'. But at the end, we don't do it. Let's say our homework. Of course, like Geography, we don't really have it everyday, so when we come back, we don't do it, thinking we have another day, but yeah, in the end we don't do it. And we have more and more homework piling up for us which equals to stress. Yes, my teacher told us to make a timetable, believe me, I've tried, we don't follow it, cuz', it's the same, PROCRASTINATION. So, I really need to know how you guys actually study, cuz' I can't really concentrate and stuff. SO, how do you concentrate?
Wait, I'm getting side tracked again. Screw it. Back to the main topic. Accomplishments. Screw the topic, it's getting old. Well, that's it for today I guess. Bbye!
Anyways, I've pretty much boggled down what I wanna do for the holidays and what I wanna accomplish and stuff like that. Well, what I wanna do AND accomplish for the holidays is a few break dancing moves, you know, I've got the Baby Freeze down, but please, no one takes the Baby Freeze seriously, I mean, it's one of the most basic thing u learn in b-boy class and stuff. So yeah, I'm gonna list out what I wanna accomplish. I can't just go back to school and tell everyone 'Nah, my holidays are kinda boring.' That would be lame.
Back to the topic, so what I wanna accomplish IS:
1. Chair Freeze
2. Air Chair
3. Air Baby
4. Top Rock Moves
5. Handstand
6. Moonwalk
Let's see if I can accomplish these or fail miserably, I might extend it, if I finish it all, most of the stuff here are gold, not a lot of people can do it and I can show off, yes, I like showing off, it's one of my many bad traits. I don't really wanna say anything bout my studies and stuff, but I would like to get my arm and wrist strength stronger, so I'm going to submit myself to countless pumping exercises. And I might be going to dance classes and stuff, if I have the time to sign up for them.
Oh, and I would like to complete my fanfic. Not gonna say about what. But yeah, it's more like a chore now. But, it would be a great accomplishment, I'm working on Chapter 20 now, but I've seen to lost my muse. It used to be great, cuz' I could keep it short, but now, I have to dwell further into the story and come up with more details, and I would like to have more than 10 reviews, thank you very much. But yeah, I'm really grateful for the people who actually read and reviewed my story. I mean, it really means a lot to me. OK, nuff' said about my fanfic and about how I'm happy, I'm getting off tracked again.
So, there's a lot more I would like to accomplish, but let's leave that for next year. Speaking about next year, PMR, big news. Loads of people are gonna be stressed about it. I would of course want straight As, but since I'm too lazy to work for it, I'd be very happy to even get 5As. Speaking about it, I would be happy just to PASS all subjects. Yeap, so I'm gonna have to TRY to study hard next year. Hopefully, I would be more responsible next year and not waste my time.
That leads to ANOTHER thing, PROCRASTINATION. Like me, loads of you will say 'Wait la, 5 more minutes.' or 'Tomorrow only do la'. But at the end, we don't do it. Let's say our homework. Of course, like Geography, we don't really have it everyday, so when we come back, we don't do it, thinking we have another day, but yeah, in the end we don't do it. And we have more and more homework piling up for us which equals to stress. Yes, my teacher told us to make a timetable, believe me, I've tried, we don't follow it, cuz', it's the same, PROCRASTINATION. So, I really need to know how you guys actually study, cuz' I can't really concentrate and stuff. SO, how do you concentrate?
Wait, I'm getting side tracked again. Screw it. Back to the main topic. Accomplishments. Screw the topic, it's getting old. Well, that's it for today I guess. Bbye!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
House Of Night Series
Hey guyz, I know I've been gone for the past few days, but in my defence, I was too bz playing water and going on Biker Buddy Association Adventure Club. We just cycle around town cuz' we're bored. We've cycled from USJ11 to USJ9 and then to USJ10 (Taipan) to buy a craft knife, I wanted a butterfly knife, but then found out it was illegal, and I can't find a pocket knife, so I went to buy a craft knife, and I am proud to say I've knicked someone. But I'm not proud to say that it was my brother and it was a accident. But seriously, the cut's not that deep.
Oh, and I bought a new book, it's the first book of the House Of Night series and it's called Mark. It's a vampire book. Look, I'm not reading vampire books just because Twilight came out. I know I have loads of books bout vamps like Darren Shan the Saga, The Larten Crespley Saga, Twilight, (I sold the book) and House Of Night. But in my defence, I got hooked to Darren Shan BEFORE Twilight came out. And I don't really go out looking for vampire books. I just walk around the bookshop, usually Popular or MPH and look around, if I see some interesting book over, I'll pick it up, (yes, I DO judge a book by it's cover) and read the summary, if I like what I see about the summary, I'll open the book and read the first few chapters or pages, depending on how much time I have in the bookshop. And if I think the book's awesome, I'll go for it. Usually, it just takes me a few pages to know if that book's awesome or not. If I can visualize what I read, then yeah, I know the book's awesome.
The biggest mistake I did was Twilight Series. I didn't read the summary, I didn't do research. My cousin sis said it was a good book and I bought it. Biggest mistake ever. RM100+ down the drain. But, thankfully, I was able to sell it out. So yeah, back to the book, Marked.
The summary is pretty much like this:
In this world, vampires exist. They don't bite you or anything, if you're chosen, you're marked with a cresent like Tattoo on your forehead, then, you have to go to some boarding school to learn about being a vampire and stuff. These all takes 4 years. By 4 years, if your body rejects the Change of the Vampire, you're dead. I ain't gonna tell you the story though. You'll love it if you're obsessed with books like me.
Enough with the books, I'm sounding like a nerd now. But now, I'm going to spout more nerdy stuff about space. I've always been intrigued about space. I mean, there's a lot to learn out there, like other living things. NO, I do not mean long green face, black beady eyes and abducts you. I'm talking bout humans like us, but living in other planets. I mean, why not? The galaxy is a large place and astrologist have only made it to the Milky Way. And besides, there's more than 1 sun and there's thousands of meteorites. I mean, Earth was created by stars. See, stars crash at each other and cause them to merge or something. Don't ask me how... Earth was once a deserted place, full of poisonous gas and stuff, but then another planet crashed into earth and some fusion chemical reaction thingy happened, this creating rain and lightning, thus creating life.
So if some people say we come from the sea, they're wrong, we come from the galaxy. Every molecule in our body is from space. So yeah. Pluto is now included in the planet called 'Dwarf Planets', I forgot the other 2 planets' names. Now that is totally unfair, just because Pluto is small, doesn't make IT/HIM/HER a dwarf, that's like calling me a midget! Yes, I've been called a midget by my cousin brother at times, but that's totally different, he's just freakishly tall.
Anyways, that's bout it for today, I've bored you enough from spouting nonsense. So yeah, Bbye!
Oh, and I bought a new book, it's the first book of the House Of Night series and it's called Mark. It's a vampire book. Look, I'm not reading vampire books just because Twilight came out. I know I have loads of books bout vamps like Darren Shan the Saga, The Larten Crespley Saga, Twilight, (I sold the book) and House Of Night. But in my defence, I got hooked to Darren Shan BEFORE Twilight came out. And I don't really go out looking for vampire books. I just walk around the bookshop, usually Popular or MPH and look around, if I see some interesting book over, I'll pick it up, (yes, I DO judge a book by it's cover) and read the summary, if I like what I see about the summary, I'll open the book and read the first few chapters or pages, depending on how much time I have in the bookshop. And if I think the book's awesome, I'll go for it. Usually, it just takes me a few pages to know if that book's awesome or not. If I can visualize what I read, then yeah, I know the book's awesome.
The biggest mistake I did was Twilight Series. I didn't read the summary, I didn't do research. My cousin sis said it was a good book and I bought it. Biggest mistake ever. RM100+ down the drain. But, thankfully, I was able to sell it out. So yeah, back to the book, Marked.
The summary is pretty much like this:
In this world, vampires exist. They don't bite you or anything, if you're chosen, you're marked with a cresent like Tattoo on your forehead, then, you have to go to some boarding school to learn about being a vampire and stuff. These all takes 4 years. By 4 years, if your body rejects the Change of the Vampire, you're dead. I ain't gonna tell you the story though. You'll love it if you're obsessed with books like me.
Enough with the books, I'm sounding like a nerd now. But now, I'm going to spout more nerdy stuff about space. I've always been intrigued about space. I mean, there's a lot to learn out there, like other living things. NO, I do not mean long green face, black beady eyes and abducts you. I'm talking bout humans like us, but living in other planets. I mean, why not? The galaxy is a large place and astrologist have only made it to the Milky Way. And besides, there's more than 1 sun and there's thousands of meteorites. I mean, Earth was created by stars. See, stars crash at each other and cause them to merge or something. Don't ask me how... Earth was once a deserted place, full of poisonous gas and stuff, but then another planet crashed into earth and some fusion chemical reaction thingy happened, this creating rain and lightning, thus creating life.
So if some people say we come from the sea, they're wrong, we come from the galaxy. Every molecule in our body is from space. So yeah. Pluto is now included in the planet called 'Dwarf Planets', I forgot the other 2 planets' names. Now that is totally unfair, just because Pluto is small, doesn't make IT/HIM/HER a dwarf, that's like calling me a midget! Yes, I've been called a midget by my cousin brother at times, but that's totally different, he's just freakishly tall.
Anyways, that's bout it for today, I've bored you enough from spouting nonsense. So yeah, Bbye!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
OK, my brother is using MY laptop, because MY laptop is cool. It has awesome games like Sims3, Ray City, Cabal and Assasin's Creed, I'm getting Need For Speed once my brother stops using MY laptop, and gets HIS butt off the computer chair. Yes, I took the spinny computer chair and left everyone with hard wooden chairs. I'm awful, I know. So, since my brother is using my laptop, I'm using my aunt's laptop. This is getting really boring, it's not even been an hour and I'm already bored to death. So, here I am, writing on this blog.
This blog has been a way to cease my boredom for a few minutes or so. And since it's the holidays, there'll be loads of posts crapping about my life and shit. Well, it's December, nothing much to do, except for the fact that it's FINALLY December. A lot of ppl would say it's too fast and everything, PMR next year and stuff, but seriously guys, UPSR, PMR and SPM are going to come sooner or later, so we shouldn't focus on the bad things, stay positive. Next year, it would be morning class, most of us would have to get up early, but after school, the rest of the day is ours or our parents to plan. During the afternoon session, we get to relax during mornings, go to school, and come back t night, plus tuition, homework and everything, it makes 'Yee Jin' time seem shorter and 'school time' seems longer.
And, we get to see our friends. All of us are bored during the school holidays, so yeah, meeting friends and talking bout our holidays, the more fortunate ones will say they can go to Hong Kong, UK, Australia and more. And yes, I'm talking bout my friends. Lucky bastards. And I'm probably one of the ppl who will say 'Not much, just stayed at home'. And that will make ME sound like a lazy prick. Which is stupid, but not my fault. My parents have to work,work,work. But I'm not too bothered.Without my parents, I can have my 'Yee Jin' time, minus the fact that I have an annoying brother, it seems to be a pretty decent holiday. I need to see more Let Me In and I need to read more books. My aunt has been forcing me to do homework and stuff, but still... Oh, and any of you know where to get a butterfly knife? If so, it would be awesommeeeeeeeee, I don't care if it's illegal, it would be awesome. I might get a pocketknife, yeah, a pocketknife... Y'know, for self protection and all....
Nah, I just wanna threaten ppl around with it. It'll be awesomeeeeeeeee. Anyways, that's all the attention spam I have for this post. See ya next time. Bbye!
This blog has been a way to cease my boredom for a few minutes or so. And since it's the holidays, there'll be loads of posts crapping about my life and shit. Well, it's December, nothing much to do, except for the fact that it's FINALLY December. A lot of ppl would say it's too fast and everything, PMR next year and stuff, but seriously guys, UPSR, PMR and SPM are going to come sooner or later, so we shouldn't focus on the bad things, stay positive. Next year, it would be morning class, most of us would have to get up early, but after school, the rest of the day is ours or our parents to plan. During the afternoon session, we get to relax during mornings, go to school, and come back t night, plus tuition, homework and everything, it makes 'Yee Jin' time seem shorter and 'school time' seems longer.
And, we get to see our friends. All of us are bored during the school holidays, so yeah, meeting friends and talking bout our holidays, the more fortunate ones will say they can go to Hong Kong, UK, Australia and more. And yes, I'm talking bout my friends. Lucky bastards. And I'm probably one of the ppl who will say 'Not much, just stayed at home'. And that will make ME sound like a lazy prick. Which is stupid, but not my fault. My parents have to work,work,work. But I'm not too bothered.Without my parents, I can have my 'Yee Jin' time, minus the fact that I have an annoying brother, it seems to be a pretty decent holiday. I need to see more Let Me In and I need to read more books. My aunt has been forcing me to do homework and stuff, but still... Oh, and any of you know where to get a butterfly knife? If so, it would be awesommeeeeeeeee, I don't care if it's illegal, it would be awesome. I might get a pocketknife, yeah, a pocketknife... Y'know, for self protection and all....
Nah, I just wanna threaten ppl around with it. It'll be awesomeeeeeeeee. Anyways, that's all the attention spam I have for this post. See ya next time. Bbye!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Jack And The Beanstalk
Well, I'm sure you guys are familiar with this book. Y'know, boy trades cow for beans, mom throws it out, beans grow, boy climbs beans, steals stuff, giant chases boy, boy cuts beanstalk and they live happily ever after. The End.
Anyways, I watched the 2009 or 2010 edition movie today. Cuz' Chloe Moretz is in it. LOLZ. This one has a few changes in it, so, you can probably watch it. I'm not saying you HAVE to watch it like Let Me In. If you wanna watch Jack and The Beanstalk outta boredom, you can. But you don't have to. Give it a try though. Don't watch for a few minutes then don't watch. If you wanna watch, I suggest you go to this website
But, it's megavideo. So it basically pauses after 72 minutes or so. And you have to wait for like 55 minutes. But if you wanna watch the ending, just wait, and start buffering the video from where you stopped. Well, that's bout it for today. I'm typin this while eating lunch. If you have twitter, follow me. Lee Yee Jin. That's it for now, bbye!
Anyways, I watched the 2009 or 2010 edition movie today. Cuz' Chloe Moretz is in it. LOLZ. This one has a few changes in it, so, you can probably watch it. I'm not saying you HAVE to watch it like Let Me In. If you wanna watch Jack and The Beanstalk outta boredom, you can. But you don't have to. Give it a try though. Don't watch for a few minutes then don't watch. If you wanna watch, I suggest you go to this website
But, it's megavideo. So it basically pauses after 72 minutes or so. And you have to wait for like 55 minutes. But if you wanna watch the ending, just wait, and start buffering the video from where you stopped. Well, that's bout it for today. I'm typin this while eating lunch. If you have twitter, follow me. Lee Yee Jin. That's it for now, bbye!
Bloggin Like Hell
Recently, I've been blogging, you know, basic stuff, but I think now, I'm updating like once per day or maybe once every two days, and that's a lot. Cuz' I have a very short attention span. Guess the holidays is already messing with me... Anyways, I'm blogging cuz' I found this Let Me In deleted scene that did not make the movie. And I'm trying to watch it, but my mom is washing the clothes and since the volume of the video is really soft, I decided to wait.
No, my laptop is not in my room. I have nothing in my room except a few shelves, a bed, a cupboard and a small table... My laptop is in the dining room, which is pretty handy, since I'm practically facing the laptop all day, so I eat in front of the laptop. I only leave the laptop when I'm scolded, bathing, or need to use the bathroom. I have no life... I suck...
No, my laptop is not in my room. I have nothing in my room except a few shelves, a bed, a cupboard and a small table... My laptop is in the dining room, which is pretty handy, since I'm practically facing the laptop all day, so I eat in front of the laptop. I only leave the laptop when I'm scolded, bathing, or need to use the bathroom. I have no life... I suck...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Being Bored and High School
This post is about ME being BORED. Well, when I was a kid, I loved the two month holidays. I don't know why. This went on from Std 1 to Std 5. Cuz' you know, when I was Std 5, I knew that next year it would be my UPSR year, and my last year to see my friends and all. So, I was kinda sad. When Std 6 came, it was sad, but I didn't cry. I don't see the need to... Cuz' we're gonna end up forgetting one another when we grow up soon. Maybe not now, maybe during the time where we started to work and have our own problems? We might still know each other, but when we go out and meet each other, not much will go say 'hi'. We might as well ignore each other that time.
I know, before graduation, we'll be like, Keep In Touch and stuff, and during Form 1, we go back to our old school and hang out everytime there's an opportunity, but when we reach Form 2, several of us will be lazy to go, have more fun with their High School friends and all that. When I went back to Lick Hung this year, I only saw like 3 or 4 ppl from my old class. That's kinda sad. Well, I don't really hang out with my old friends anymore. As far as I'm concerned, 2012, PMR, Let Me In and the Dance Crew thingy is the most important thing on my mind now. Sometimes, I think my High School friends are a lot more fun than my Elementary school friends.
I dunno why, but I guess it has something to do when we grow up, you know, during Elementary school, it's all fun and games and everything. We learn easy maths and science, UPSR wasn't hard. I didn't pay attention for Science and even I got an A. Don't ask me how I did it. But now, we need to learn all the hard stuff like Algebra, Linear Equations and stuff. (I don't care if you think it's easy, it's hard for me and I'm trying to make a point here.)
Anyways, maybe it's because we have a different view and aspect for life now, since we reach High School and everything, yeah, we matured, we can still have fun, but seriously, Elementary isn't all that fun, for me. But, High School isn't all great. Remember, with every upside, there's ALWAYS a downside. When we reach High School, you're pretty much divided into 3 categories if you're a girl.
1. The popular girls and the occasional bitches.
2. Normal people who have a decent amount of friends.
3. The nobodies.
If you're a guy, it's something like this.
1. Big gang of gangsters.
2. Not so big gang of gangsters.
3. Small gang of gangsters.
4. No gang, but with friends.
5. Small group of friends.
There's something like this, and there's also the occasional girl who likes to post pics of herself but when people praise her, go say herself ugly. I'm sure you guys are familiar with this. I'm like, please, if you think you're ugly, why the hell are you posting this on Facebook? I mean, if your friends took this picture of you and posted it on Facebook, you CAN say it's ugly, but, if you SS take, I have nothing to say...
Gosh, I'm getting sidetracked, let's get back to me being bored. It's not even 2 weeks and ALREADY I'm bored. I have no idea why. I tried to keep myself entertained by playing SIMS 3, watching movies online and stuff, but those things get pretty old, especially when my SIMS daughter, Chloe, won't shut up after I taught her how to talk, I think it's a glitch... UGH!!! And yes, I named my SIMS 3 toddler daughter after Chloe Moretz, who plays Abby in Let Me In. Lolz, I'm so obsessed right now, I'm sooo getting the disc. Anyone of you who reads this are invited to come if you want when I get it. I'll post it up. LOLZ. If you're Si Ven's friend, just head over to her house and I'll come over with the DVD. Yes, I'm getting the DVD not the CD, cuz' the CD is pirated, I think.
So, if you're going to Si Ven's hse, she'll probably tell me. HAHA. Hopefully, I'll get the DVD faz. I'll post it up!!!
But if it's too long for the DVD to come up, I might get the CD.
That's pretty much it for today, PEACE!!! Bbye!!!
I know, before graduation, we'll be like, Keep In Touch and stuff, and during Form 1, we go back to our old school and hang out everytime there's an opportunity, but when we reach Form 2, several of us will be lazy to go, have more fun with their High School friends and all that. When I went back to Lick Hung this year, I only saw like 3 or 4 ppl from my old class. That's kinda sad. Well, I don't really hang out with my old friends anymore. As far as I'm concerned, 2012, PMR, Let Me In and the Dance Crew thingy is the most important thing on my mind now. Sometimes, I think my High School friends are a lot more fun than my Elementary school friends.
I dunno why, but I guess it has something to do when we grow up, you know, during Elementary school, it's all fun and games and everything. We learn easy maths and science, UPSR wasn't hard. I didn't pay attention for Science and even I got an A. Don't ask me how I did it. But now, we need to learn all the hard stuff like Algebra, Linear Equations and stuff. (I don't care if you think it's easy, it's hard for me and I'm trying to make a point here.)
Anyways, maybe it's because we have a different view and aspect for life now, since we reach High School and everything, yeah, we matured, we can still have fun, but seriously, Elementary isn't all that fun, for me. But, High School isn't all great. Remember, with every upside, there's ALWAYS a downside. When we reach High School, you're pretty much divided into 3 categories if you're a girl.
1. The popular girls and the occasional bitches.
2. Normal people who have a decent amount of friends.
3. The nobodies.
If you're a guy, it's something like this.
1. Big gang of gangsters.
2. Not so big gang of gangsters.
3. Small gang of gangsters.
4. No gang, but with friends.
5. Small group of friends.
There's something like this, and there's also the occasional girl who likes to post pics of herself but when people praise her, go say herself ugly. I'm sure you guys are familiar with this. I'm like, please, if you think you're ugly, why the hell are you posting this on Facebook? I mean, if your friends took this picture of you and posted it on Facebook, you CAN say it's ugly, but, if you SS take, I have nothing to say...
Gosh, I'm getting sidetracked, let's get back to me being bored. It's not even 2 weeks and ALREADY I'm bored. I have no idea why. I tried to keep myself entertained by playing SIMS 3, watching movies online and stuff, but those things get pretty old, especially when my SIMS daughter, Chloe, won't shut up after I taught her how to talk, I think it's a glitch... UGH!!! And yes, I named my SIMS 3 toddler daughter after Chloe Moretz, who plays Abby in Let Me In. Lolz, I'm so obsessed right now, I'm sooo getting the disc. Anyone of you who reads this are invited to come if you want when I get it. I'll post it up. LOLZ. If you're Si Ven's friend, just head over to her house and I'll come over with the DVD. Yes, I'm getting the DVD not the CD, cuz' the CD is pirated, I think.
So, if you're going to Si Ven's hse, she'll probably tell me. HAHA. Hopefully, I'll get the DVD faz. I'll post it up!!!
But if it's too long for the DVD to come up, I might get the CD.
That's pretty much it for today, PEACE!!! Bbye!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
This post has no title cuz' I'm too lazy to think of 1. Anyways, the stupid poster costs like RM60 to print. So, I'm gonna look for other places. 2nd, my bro and cousin, Si Ven is on their stupid school trips, so I'm kinda alone and doing nothing now... So retarded...
Gonna eat steak later, and then print the poster, gonna watch Let Me In AGAIN tmr. It's only the 2nd time, I wuz gonna go when I'm with Si Ven at Sunway, but her dad dun dare let me watch. Anyways, it wuz really boring..................................................
Gonna eat steak later, and then print the poster, gonna watch Let Me In AGAIN tmr. It's only the 2nd time, I wuz gonna go when I'm with Si Ven at Sunway, but her dad dun dare let me watch. Anyways, it wuz really boring..................................................
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Let Me In Movie Review
OK, this is like the 2nd post already, but, don't blame me! Blame my obsession!!! I freaking love that movie!!!!! It may have something to do with Chloe Grace Moretz (From Kick Ass), but it's a great show anyways, I'm gonna give a movie review about this show, with the summary and stuff. Mostly the summary though. I dunno, and a few pics, I guess...
The title of “Let Me In” might be understood as a plea to the audience. Even if you think you’ve had enough of the vampirization of popular culture — “Twilight,” “True Blood,” “The Vampire Diaries” and so on — find room in your heart for this one. And though it teases out the usual horror movie sensations of dread and anxiety and eyes-averted disgust, this movie also makes a direct and disarming play for affection, eliciting in viewers something akin to the awkward, resilient tenderness that is its subject.
Vampire romanticism is nothing new, of course. Millions of us, not just teenage girls, have followed the courtship of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen through every deep breath and smoldering glance. But the love story in “Let Me In,” between two 12-year-olds, one of them a blood-craving undead pixie named Abby, is both more intense and more innocent.
The subtext of the relationship is not sexuality, as it is in “Twilight” or “True Blood,” but rather the loneliness of children and their often unrecognized reservoirs of rage. Abby (ChloĆ« Grace Moretz) and her pal, a trembling, big-eyed boy named Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee), are fragile and quiet but also capable of horrifying violence.
“Let Me In,” Matt Reeves’s worthy and honorable remake of “Let the Right One In,” Tomas Alfredson’s Swedish adaptation of the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist, is disturbing because it takes you inside the minds of its young main characters, Owen in particular. Ignored and harangued at home by his mother — his parents are in the midst of a divorce — Owen is easy bait for bullies at school. He compensates for his powerlessness by bingeing on candy and shutting himself in his room, where he spies on the neighbors with a telescope and acts out sadistic serial-killer fantasies in front of the mirror.
“Are you scared, little girl?” he whispers, brandishing a kitchen knife and calling his imaginary victim exactly what his locker room tormentors call him.
The little girl who does arrive in Owen’s life — moving into the next apartment in his shabby little complex with a shambling, put-upon adult guardian (Richard Jenkins) — becomes the boy’s ally in a pact of mutual protection. “We can’t be friends,” she tells him when they first meet in the courtyard where he likes to sit alone at night, eating Now-and-Laters.
But of course they do, even as their moments of easy companionship are punctuated by a series of gruesome crimes, committed by the man Owen assumes is Abby’s father in order to feed her appetite for human blood. When the poor man messes up these hunting missions, as he often does, Abby must gather her own prey, which gives her (and Mr. Reeves) a chance to show off some creepy computer-aided monster skills.
The story holds a few surprises, but what makes “Let Me In” so eerily fascinating is the mood it creates. It is at once artful and unpretentious, more interested in intimacy and implication than in easy scares or slick effects. Mr. Reeves also made “Cloverfield,” a movie whose genuine formal cleverness was overshadowed by an annoying pseudo-documentary gimmick — recalling “The Blair Witch Project” and anticipating “Paranormal Activity” — as well as by some very annoying characters.
And the pics will be on top, k? Cuz' I have no idea how to place them...

OK, by now, I'm not sure if the pics are up or after my comment about I don't know how to move pics thing, but now I think it's bottom. So yeah, I know there's loads of Abby Owen pics, but, they're the main characters, so screw you. Lolz, I'm just joking. Anyways, I hope you'll take the time out to check this movie out, it's a really great show, I name it a full price movie. And uh, I know some of the pics look cacat-ed and I'm sorry.... But, just bear with it. Thanks
If any of you don't know what a full price movie means, well, it means, it's totally worth ur money. Gotta go now. Bbye!
The title of “Let Me In” might be understood as a plea to the audience. Even if you think you’ve had enough of the vampirization of popular culture — “Twilight,” “True Blood,” “The Vampire Diaries” and so on — find room in your heart for this one. And though it teases out the usual horror movie sensations of dread and anxiety and eyes-averted disgust, this movie also makes a direct and disarming play for affection, eliciting in viewers something akin to the awkward, resilient tenderness that is its subject.
Vampire romanticism is nothing new, of course. Millions of us, not just teenage girls, have followed the courtship of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen through every deep breath and smoldering glance. But the love story in “Let Me In,” between two 12-year-olds, one of them a blood-craving undead pixie named Abby, is both more intense and more innocent.
The subtext of the relationship is not sexuality, as it is in “Twilight” or “True Blood,” but rather the loneliness of children and their often unrecognized reservoirs of rage. Abby (ChloĆ« Grace Moretz) and her pal, a trembling, big-eyed boy named Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee), are fragile and quiet but also capable of horrifying violence.
“Let Me In,” Matt Reeves’s worthy and honorable remake of “Let the Right One In,” Tomas Alfredson’s Swedish adaptation of the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist, is disturbing because it takes you inside the minds of its young main characters, Owen in particular. Ignored and harangued at home by his mother — his parents are in the midst of a divorce — Owen is easy bait for bullies at school. He compensates for his powerlessness by bingeing on candy and shutting himself in his room, where he spies on the neighbors with a telescope and acts out sadistic serial-killer fantasies in front of the mirror.
“Are you scared, little girl?” he whispers, brandishing a kitchen knife and calling his imaginary victim exactly what his locker room tormentors call him.
The little girl who does arrive in Owen’s life — moving into the next apartment in his shabby little complex with a shambling, put-upon adult guardian (Richard Jenkins) — becomes the boy’s ally in a pact of mutual protection. “We can’t be friends,” she tells him when they first meet in the courtyard where he likes to sit alone at night, eating Now-and-Laters.
But of course they do, even as their moments of easy companionship are punctuated by a series of gruesome crimes, committed by the man Owen assumes is Abby’s father in order to feed her appetite for human blood. When the poor man messes up these hunting missions, as he often does, Abby must gather her own prey, which gives her (and Mr. Reeves) a chance to show off some creepy computer-aided monster skills.
The story holds a few surprises, but what makes “Let Me In” so eerily fascinating is the mood it creates. It is at once artful and unpretentious, more interested in intimacy and implication than in easy scares or slick effects. Mr. Reeves also made “Cloverfield,” a movie whose genuine formal cleverness was overshadowed by an annoying pseudo-documentary gimmick — recalling “The Blair Witch Project” and anticipating “Paranormal Activity” — as well as by some very annoying characters.
And the pics will be on top, k? Cuz' I have no idea how to place them...
OK, by now, I'm not sure if the pics are up or after my comment about I don't know how to move pics thing, but now I think it's bottom. So yeah, I know there's loads of Abby Owen pics, but, they're the main characters, so screw you. Lolz, I'm just joking. Anyways, I hope you'll take the time out to check this movie out, it's a really great show, I name it a full price movie. And uh, I know some of the pics look cacat-ed and I'm sorry.... But, just bear with it. Thanks
If any of you don't know what a full price movie means, well, it means, it's totally worth ur money. Gotta go now. Bbye!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Let Me In
Best movie ever. Seriously. Best movie ever. You HAVE to watch it, then after you watch it, go to my wall, and click on a link for people's choice awards and VOTE for it!!!!!!
Well, the show's basically bout this 12 year old vampire girl, Abby (Chloe Grace Moretz) and this little squirt, Owen ( I don't know his name). The vampire story is great, cuz':
1. They DON'T sparkle under the sun, they grow red and burn!!!!
2. This is pretty stupid but you'll have to invite them into ur hse or they'll just bleed and bleed and bleed till they die.
3. They need blood, and it's not 'vegetarian' blood.
4. It's so much better than Twilight.
If you'd ask me a few days ago about what my favorite movie was, I'd reply Harry Potter, but now, it's Let Me In the whole way. It's 18PG and kinda gory and disgusting, but otherwise, a good show, nonetheless. If I had to rate my Top 10 favorite movies, it would be:
10. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
9. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
8. The Simpsons Movie
7. Alice In Wonderland
6. Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets
5. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
4. Toy Story 3
3. Click
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
LOlz, that's it for tonight, bbye!
Well, the show's basically bout this 12 year old vampire girl, Abby (Chloe Grace Moretz) and this little squirt, Owen ( I don't know his name). The vampire story is great, cuz':
1. They DON'T sparkle under the sun, they grow red and burn!!!!
2. This is pretty stupid but you'll have to invite them into ur hse or they'll just bleed and bleed and bleed till they die.
3. They need blood, and it's not 'vegetarian' blood.
4. It's so much better than Twilight.
If you'd ask me a few days ago about what my favorite movie was, I'd reply Harry Potter, but now, it's Let Me In the whole way. It's 18PG and kinda gory and disgusting, but otherwise, a good show, nonetheless. If I had to rate my Top 10 favorite movies, it would be:
10. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
9. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
8. The Simpsons Movie
7. Alice In Wonderland
6. Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets
5. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
4. Toy Story 3
3. Click
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
LOlz, that's it for tonight, bbye!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Harry Potter
Wow! Went watching Harry Potter today. It wuz OK, the two guys look worse than b4 now. Lolz, this is a real short post. It's a good show, better than Twilight, if you ask me. Bbye!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
61st Post
OK, this is the official 61st post of my very much neglected blog. To tell the truth, I'm only blogging cuz' I feel guilty for the people who reads my blog and I like the cute little hamster. Anyways, I'm kinda hooked to listening to Eminem these days, his songs are great. They're meaningful, well, most of them. I'll give an example, this is the one everyone knows, Love the Way You Lie. It's about domestic violence. I'm sure you guys are all familiar with domestic violence, but I'll write it down cuz' I need to really fill up this post. Domestic violence can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation.[1] Domestic violence has many forms including physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g., neglect); and economic deprivation.[1] Alcohol consumption[2] and mental illness[3] can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional challenges when present alongside patterns of abuse.
Sorry it's long, you can skip it. I took it from Google since I found it hard to explain in my own words. Lolz. Anyways, there's more, but I'm too lazy to explain. Sorry. Moving on, we land on the topic that's mostly on people's blog currently.( Well, I think....)
The last day of school! I'm not gonna go on a lengthy discription ( I dunno how to spell discription) about how the day was, since it was raining all day. But we played water, we were splashing everyone. And uhm... unfortunately, one of my fren got pissed, so I apologized to her and we're cool. Lolz. I don't really like arguements cuz' it just makes everyone sad. The term 'everyone' here means me and my friend.
Well, that's what happened during the last day of school, oh, and we played Pepsi Cola, yes, I know, lame. And almost everyone was easy to kill, except Jia Le. We ended up giving up. That's all I guess...................................
Well, I did a bad job at this post, so many spellin mistakes and it;s kinda short. Oh well, maybe during the second week of the holidays. Till then, Bbye!
Sorry it's long, you can skip it. I took it from Google since I found it hard to explain in my own words. Lolz. Anyways, there's more, but I'm too lazy to explain. Sorry. Moving on, we land on the topic that's mostly on people's blog currently.( Well, I think....)
The last day of school! I'm not gonna go on a lengthy discription ( I dunno how to spell discription) about how the day was, since it was raining all day. But we played water, we were splashing everyone. And uhm... unfortunately, one of my fren got pissed, so I apologized to her and we're cool. Lolz. I don't really like arguements cuz' it just makes everyone sad. The term 'everyone' here means me and my friend.
Well, that's what happened during the last day of school, oh, and we played Pepsi Cola, yes, I know, lame. And almost everyone was easy to kill, except Jia Le. We ended up giving up. That's all I guess...................................
Well, I did a bad job at this post, so many spellin mistakes and it;s kinda short. Oh well, maybe during the second week of the holidays. Till then, Bbye!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
As you might've noticed, this post is without a title. Anyways, my friends were asking me bout what I like in school, so yeah, I'm gonna post about what I like best.
I like being alone and when it's quiet. Cuz' there's no one to judge me. I'm tired of being judge.
I like reading stuff. I read a lot of fanfics and books. Meaningful books, that is.
I like Avril Lavinge, Eminem, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift.
I like Eminem's songs, they're meaningful.
I like Avatar the Last Airbender and Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
I like stories that are sad, yet, always come out with a happy ending.
I like reading interesting stuff.
I like Azula and I also admire her. ( She's a cartoon character)
I like dancing.
I like Katie Cassidy.
I like T.O.P. He's 'yeng'...
I like lying.
I like pointing out things for people.
I like having a tough debate.
I like joking around with my friends.
That's partially what I like, cuz' there's nothing much going on right now and I'm thinking bout Assasin's Creed and who to assasinate.... LOLZ.
Well, that's bout it... Bbye!
I like being alone and when it's quiet. Cuz' there's no one to judge me. I'm tired of being judge.
I like reading stuff. I read a lot of fanfics and books. Meaningful books, that is.
I like Avril Lavinge, Eminem, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift.
I like Eminem's songs, they're meaningful.
I like Avatar the Last Airbender and Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
I like stories that are sad, yet, always come out with a happy ending.
I like reading interesting stuff.
I like Azula and I also admire her. ( She's a cartoon character)
I like dancing.
I like Katie Cassidy.
I like T.O.P. He's 'yeng'...
I like lying.
I like pointing out things for people.
I like having a tough debate.
I like joking around with my friends.
That's partially what I like, cuz' there's nothing much going on right now and I'm thinking bout Assasin's Creed and who to assasinate.... LOLZ.
Well, that's bout it... Bbye!
Monday, November 8, 2010
First of all, don't ask me about the title, I have no idea why I put it there. Well, on with the boring news first. Exam results. I must say, my first day is good.
I'm proud to say I got full marks on my English Bahagian C, and I'm also proud to say that my Maths have improved greatly. From E to B. So yeah.
Anyways, I've been thinking, you know how shows always portray the evil person as JUST the evil person? Don't you think there's a reason the bad guys do what they do? It might not be an evil reason, maybe they think they're justifying the world by doing it. Anyways, I'm using 1 of my favorite show as an example.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Not the movie, I hate the movie. The cartoon's great though. Anyways, if you guys watched it, you probably know the story. But I'll still kinda summarize.
1. Fire Nation starts war.
2. Avatar returns.
3. Banished Fire Nation prince tries to capture the Avatar.
4. Fire Nation lost during an attack towards the Nothern Water Tribe.
5. Fire Lord sents his 14 year old prodigy of a daughter to kill her older brother.
6. Princess Azula (the prodigy daughter) has 2 friends, Mai and Ty Lee.
7. Fight around the world.
8. Prince betrays uncle.
9. Princess nearly kills the Avatar with her lightning.
10. Princess gives credit to brother.
11. Avatar not dead.
12. Prince betrays the Fire Nation.
13. Princess's friends betrayed her.
14. Fire Lord doesn't want his daughter to participate in her plan. ( Destroying the Earth Kingdom)
15. Starts going crazy.
16. Avatar and friends win.
Yes, this is the summary for all 3 seasons. I left out a lot of important stuff, so you can watch it if you want. Anyways, Azula is the sadistic princess who's like all bent on killing and everything, but, like always, there's a reason for it. Well, first of all, she grew up thinking her mother thought she was a monster, and her dad shaped her into his perfect little weapon since she was a kid. Her brother had real friends, people who loved him and more, even if he isn't a prodigy. But, Azula had nothing. Her dad isn;t capable of loving, we all know that. So, this kinda ties with The Phantom Of The Opera, it's like, everyone wants a little love in their lives.
So, she chose to think that fear is the only way to gain friends and ensure loyalty. For her, it's 'Trust is for fools, fear is the only reliable way.' So... yeah... She's my favorite character in the show, and they're making a sequel, The Legend of Korra. I hope they won't execute her or anything.
And the Fire Nation starting the War thingy, well, they're only doing in what they BELIEVED in. You can believe in everything right. They were taught from little that the Fire Nation is the greatest civilication of all (that I agree) and the war was a way for them to share their greatness with the world. You can't actually blame someone for the way they think right? Anyways, this is my reason. I don't know why, I always look at things from a different angle and then ramble about it. I don't know why. Hahahaha.
Well, I guess that's bout it. Peace! Out! BbyE!
I'm proud to say I got full marks on my English Bahagian C, and I'm also proud to say that my Maths have improved greatly. From E to B. So yeah.
Anyways, I've been thinking, you know how shows always portray the evil person as JUST the evil person? Don't you think there's a reason the bad guys do what they do? It might not be an evil reason, maybe they think they're justifying the world by doing it. Anyways, I'm using 1 of my favorite show as an example.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Not the movie, I hate the movie. The cartoon's great though. Anyways, if you guys watched it, you probably know the story. But I'll still kinda summarize.
1. Fire Nation starts war.
2. Avatar returns.
3. Banished Fire Nation prince tries to capture the Avatar.
4. Fire Nation lost during an attack towards the Nothern Water Tribe.
5. Fire Lord sents his 14 year old prodigy of a daughter to kill her older brother.
6. Princess Azula (the prodigy daughter) has 2 friends, Mai and Ty Lee.
7. Fight around the world.
8. Prince betrays uncle.
9. Princess nearly kills the Avatar with her lightning.
10. Princess gives credit to brother.
11. Avatar not dead.
12. Prince betrays the Fire Nation.
13. Princess's friends betrayed her.
14. Fire Lord doesn't want his daughter to participate in her plan. ( Destroying the Earth Kingdom)
15. Starts going crazy.
16. Avatar and friends win.
Yes, this is the summary for all 3 seasons. I left out a lot of important stuff, so you can watch it if you want. Anyways, Azula is the sadistic princess who's like all bent on killing and everything, but, like always, there's a reason for it. Well, first of all, she grew up thinking her mother thought she was a monster, and her dad shaped her into his perfect little weapon since she was a kid. Her brother had real friends, people who loved him and more, even if he isn't a prodigy. But, Azula had nothing. Her dad isn;t capable of loving, we all know that. So, this kinda ties with The Phantom Of The Opera, it's like, everyone wants a little love in their lives.
So, she chose to think that fear is the only way to gain friends and ensure loyalty. For her, it's 'Trust is for fools, fear is the only reliable way.' So... yeah... She's my favorite character in the show, and they're making a sequel, The Legend of Korra. I hope they won't execute her or anything.
And the Fire Nation starting the War thingy, well, they're only doing in what they BELIEVED in. You can believe in everything right. They were taught from little that the Fire Nation is the greatest civilication of all (that I agree) and the war was a way for them to share their greatness with the world. You can't actually blame someone for the way they think right? Anyways, this is my reason. I don't know why, I always look at things from a different angle and then ramble about it. I don't know why. Hahahaha.
Well, I guess that's bout it. Peace! Out! BbyE!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
New Jacket
Hey! I got a new sleeveless hoodie, which is kinda great! It costs RM55.95, AFTER a 20% discount. And yes, I am truly ashamed to say that I bought it in JUSCO. But for my defence, I bought it in the Men's Department and, it does have a brand. Even if I've never heard about it before, I think it's called ' Blue Toms' or something like that. It's Black it color and it's size 'S'. It's a really cool hoodie, I might take pics of it, when I actually feel like it.
Anyways, the reason I bought the hoodie is for personal use and for the crew. The crew is actually some dance crew me and my friends made up. We do hip hop dances like bboy, robot, pop, lock and stuff. I'm learning bboy now. If you don't know what it is, go check it out on Google or Youtube. So far, I've nailed the Baby Freeze, Helicopter, Six Step( though I need it to go faster) and 1 of the TopRock moves. I'm learning more. I'm going to enroll myself into some dancing class, to improve cuz' we might go for competitions and stuff.
That's bout it. Hope I can pass Maths!
I won't cry if I fail though, but if I do, give me RM 1!
Anyways, the reason I bought the hoodie is for personal use and for the crew. The crew is actually some dance crew me and my friends made up. We do hip hop dances like bboy, robot, pop, lock and stuff. I'm learning bboy now. If you don't know what it is, go check it out on Google or Youtube. So far, I've nailed the Baby Freeze, Helicopter, Six Step( though I need it to go faster) and 1 of the TopRock moves. I'm learning more. I'm going to enroll myself into some dancing class, to improve cuz' we might go for competitions and stuff.
That's bout it. Hope I can pass Maths!
I won't cry if I fail though, but if I do, give me RM 1!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Baby Freeze!!!
So, I learned the Baby Freeze today, since I was sick I didn't go to skul. Anyways, when I showed my aunt she started to freak out and say I might break my neck or somethin, so I showed her some tutorial vidoes, and then she said, 'Just Listen To Me' and I'm like WTF!
Anyways, this'll really be a short post. So, I'm gonna learn the six step now. It's pretty easy, but you gotta do it fast or it looks really really really weird. Anyone know where to buy sleeveless hoodie????
Well, guess that's bout it. TOld ya this'll b a short post.
Anyways, this'll really be a short post. So, I'm gonna learn the six step now. It's pretty easy, but you gotta do it fast or it looks really really really weird. Anyone know where to buy sleeveless hoodie????
Well, guess that's bout it. TOld ya this'll b a short post.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hey! I know this title seemed like the one I recently posted, but it's not. I added an exclamation mark. I'm guesing this post will be a short summary on my favorite shows. Nothing much, and maybe some heads up about what's going on in my life, some Youtube celebrities, not much. I doubt this is going to be a long post, but I'll try to make it as long as possible.
1. Gossip Girl
Yeah, I know, probably loads of you guys have seen it and all, but I don't care. For those who haven't seen it yet, it's pretty much bitches tryin to bitch on each other. But, it's a really great show. I guess... If you like bitching on other people, you can try their ideas? Lolz, joking, joking. Well, you can go check it out though.
2. Melrose Place
Honestly, no idea what it's talking bout. Some murder scene and stuff like that, they cancelled the show though. Screw them. I'm only watching it for Katie Cassidy anyways, so I'm not really bothered by all that crap anyways, just a little bummed.
3. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
This is AWESOME!!!! Lolz, it's set between Terminator 2 and 3. So yeah, and I'm bothered because they cancelled the show. I mean, how stupid can these people get? Don't they know the show is awesome? Well, yeah, thinking rationally, it's pretty clear everyone has their own opinions, so I can't really scold them stupid. Sorry guys. But, check it out anyways, some parts are really boring, but still...
4. Victorious
This is a funny show starring Victoria Justice, it's really cool. Nothing much to say bout it though...
5. South Park
3 words. Funniest show ever! Go check it out!!!
Well, that's all my current fav shows, oh, and the numbers aren't ranked. I did not rank them, it just pops into my head. So yeah, I did not rank it in 1-5.
Now, I guess I can go to Youtube celebrities now.
1. Kevjumba
Lolz, funny sial. He's in the amazing race and he kinda helps charity. He's got another account, Jumbafund, it's based on how many ppl subscribed to it to earn money, and then he donates them all to charity.
2. NigaHiga
It's OK, I guess.... I miss Sean and the others....
3. Smosh
This is quite funny too, but their videos are kinda getting old, it's like the same thing over and over again. Not exactly the same, but still...
4. Fred
This one, sucks shit! Who wants to listen to some whiney ass kid crapping bout his mom and life? Oh yeah, he's gay. Seriously gay.
5. Shane Dawson
Hate him too... He's kinda stupid, dunno why so many people like him though...
Well, that's bout the whole summary thing, yeah, it's short, I know, well, I'm gonna give a heads up about what happened these past months where I was too bz to post anything. Well, it's pretty boring these past months, so I'm gonna talk bout this week since it's Friday.
I'm guessing I'll start learning bgirl, means breakdancing, after the exams. But before that, I'm going to learn how to do a handstand and baby freeze. You can go Google it if you don't know what baby freeze means. And next year, I might go back to learning skateboarding. So yeah, and we're hoping to win the RIMUP next year, so I'm doing pushups and stuff.
Yesterday during PJK, I did a handstand, but fell. I need to stall it, so I'm gonna try to do it while leaning on a wall to train. Well, there's still another factor, I need to learn how to do a handstand, I need to kick high enough. So yeah, I guess that's bout it. See you after the exams?
1. Gossip Girl
Yeah, I know, probably loads of you guys have seen it and all, but I don't care. For those who haven't seen it yet, it's pretty much bitches tryin to bitch on each other. But, it's a really great show. I guess... If you like bitching on other people, you can try their ideas? Lolz, joking, joking. Well, you can go check it out though.
2. Melrose Place
Honestly, no idea what it's talking bout. Some murder scene and stuff like that, they cancelled the show though. Screw them. I'm only watching it for Katie Cassidy anyways, so I'm not really bothered by all that crap anyways, just a little bummed.
3. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
This is AWESOME!!!! Lolz, it's set between Terminator 2 and 3. So yeah, and I'm bothered because they cancelled the show. I mean, how stupid can these people get? Don't they know the show is awesome? Well, yeah, thinking rationally, it's pretty clear everyone has their own opinions, so I can't really scold them stupid. Sorry guys. But, check it out anyways, some parts are really boring, but still...
4. Victorious
This is a funny show starring Victoria Justice, it's really cool. Nothing much to say bout it though...
5. South Park
3 words. Funniest show ever! Go check it out!!!
Well, that's all my current fav shows, oh, and the numbers aren't ranked. I did not rank them, it just pops into my head. So yeah, I did not rank it in 1-5.
Now, I guess I can go to Youtube celebrities now.
1. Kevjumba
Lolz, funny sial. He's in the amazing race and he kinda helps charity. He's got another account, Jumbafund, it's based on how many ppl subscribed to it to earn money, and then he donates them all to charity.
2. NigaHiga
It's OK, I guess.... I miss Sean and the others....
3. Smosh
This is quite funny too, but their videos are kinda getting old, it's like the same thing over and over again. Not exactly the same, but still...
4. Fred
This one, sucks shit! Who wants to listen to some whiney ass kid crapping bout his mom and life? Oh yeah, he's gay. Seriously gay.
5. Shane Dawson
Hate him too... He's kinda stupid, dunno why so many people like him though...
Well, that's bout the whole summary thing, yeah, it's short, I know, well, I'm gonna give a heads up about what happened these past months where I was too bz to post anything. Well, it's pretty boring these past months, so I'm gonna talk bout this week since it's Friday.
I'm guessing I'll start learning bgirl, means breakdancing, after the exams. But before that, I'm going to learn how to do a handstand and baby freeze. You can go Google it if you don't know what baby freeze means. And next year, I might go back to learning skateboarding. So yeah, and we're hoping to win the RIMUP next year, so I'm doing pushups and stuff.
Yesterday during PJK, I did a handstand, but fell. I need to stall it, so I'm gonna try to do it while leaning on a wall to train. Well, there's still another factor, I need to learn how to do a handstand, I need to kick high enough. So yeah, I guess that's bout it. See you after the exams?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Yo, sorry for not posting for so long, it's just that I'm kinda busy. There's nothin much so far, except for the fact that I failed my Maths exam 3 times. But seriously, I'm not too bummed. I think I'm gonna migrate to US to work as a rubbish collector, 5000$$ a month, no requirements. Great job.
Oh, and be sure to check Kevjumba out in The Amazing Race. If you haven't heard of him, go youtube and type in his name, Kevjumba and you can see all his videos. It's kinda funny. And I've been doing loads of boring stuff lately, I'm sure you don't want to hear me ramblin bout it, so screw it, I'm not gonna post it all out.
Now, I find it weird that the 'popular girls' like to post pics out on FB, and when ppl say they're pretty or anything, they say they look so 'cacat-ed' and 'fugly' or anything. And sometimes I really feel like saying 'If u think ur so ugly, den why wanna show it world wide?' That's something that doesn't make sense.
Oh, I'm kinda bz cuz' I've been watching Terminator: The Sarah COnnor Chronicles, Gossip Girl, South Park, Melrose Place and Victorious. Seriously, you've got to check out SOUTH PARK. It's awesome.
Well, I know this post is realy short, cuz' I gotta get ready for skul and everything. Wish I don't fail my Maths anymore. Bbye!
Oh, and be sure to check Kevjumba out in The Amazing Race. If you haven't heard of him, go youtube and type in his name, Kevjumba and you can see all his videos. It's kinda funny. And I've been doing loads of boring stuff lately, I'm sure you don't want to hear me ramblin bout it, so screw it, I'm not gonna post it all out.
Now, I find it weird that the 'popular girls' like to post pics out on FB, and when ppl say they're pretty or anything, they say they look so 'cacat-ed' and 'fugly' or anything. And sometimes I really feel like saying 'If u think ur so ugly, den why wanna show it world wide?' That's something that doesn't make sense.
Oh, I'm kinda bz cuz' I've been watching Terminator: The Sarah COnnor Chronicles, Gossip Girl, South Park, Melrose Place and Victorious. Seriously, you've got to check out SOUTH PARK. It's awesome.
Well, I know this post is realy short, cuz' I gotta get ready for skul and everything. Wish I don't fail my Maths anymore. Bbye!
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yo, Wad Up?
Well, I guess I won't be posting any more sick things up here now...
Anyways, currently hooked on Avatar The Legend Of Aang/The Last Airbender, I dunno which one la....
Well, Lemme just post a pic la...
Anyways, see the girl with the big grin? She's my favorite. She's called Ty Lee.
The dude is called Zuko, he's the prince, he was a bad guy but he became a gud guy. The girl next to him, the one with the coconut head or sumthing like tat is called Mei, she's Zuko's GF. The other girl is Azula, Zuko's lil sister. SHe's the evil one.
Ty Lee is awesome
That's all Bbye!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sorry guyz and girlz, ot posting much, so I'm gonna post a really sick and funny song lyrics, OMG Usher ft Will.I.Am...
It's seriously sick, so, pls, if u don't like it, pls don't read anymore...
Credits go to: Lee Zhen Hen
Lee Zhen Hen's friend
Alex Yong Mun Wai
GO hear the song and sing the lyrics
Oh myy cock!
Baby let me...
I did it again, so I’m gonna let my cock drop
Oh myy gosh.
Baby let me suck it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Baby I can break it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Got me like, ooh myy gosh I’m soo in love
I found you finallyy, you make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Ohh myy cock
You make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Verse 1
I fell in love with shawty when I see her on the dance floor
She was dancing sexy, pop, pop, popping, dropping, dropping low
Never ever has a lady hit me on the first sight
This was something special; this was just like dynamite
Honey got a booty like pow, pow, pow
Honey got some boobies like wow, oh wow
Girl you know I’m loving your, loving your style
Check, check, check, check, check, checking you out like,
Ooh (oooh) she got it allll
Sexy from her head to the toes
And I want it all, it all, it all
Baby let me suck it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Baby I can break it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Got me like, ooh myy gosh I’m soo in love
I found you finallyy, you make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Ohh myy cock
You make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Verse 2
Feel so hot for honey out of all the girls up in this club
This one got me whipped, just off one look, yep I fell in love
This one something special, this one just like dynamite,
out of sight
Fell in love with honey like my, oh my
Honey looking wonderful; fly, so fly
Honey like a supermodel; my, oh my
Baby how you do that, make a grown man cry?
Ooh (oooh) baby, you got it alll
Sexy from her head to the toes
And I want it all, it all, it all
Baby let me suck it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Baby I can break it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Got me like, ooh myy gosh I’m soo in love
I found you finallyy, you make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Ohh myy cock
You make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
And the rest is plain crap.... All this is much like the original version but I modified it a little, now, my version...
Yeej's Version
Oh myyy... Gosh!!!
Baby suck my little cock
There's so many ways to SUCK it
Baby Let's Rockk...
I will show you reproduction...
That's bout it, credits go to the ppl I just mentioned on top. K?K.
It's seriously sick, so, pls, if u don't like it, pls don't read anymore...
Credits go to: Lee Zhen Hen
Lee Zhen Hen's friend
Alex Yong Mun Wai
GO hear the song and sing the lyrics
Oh myy cock!
Baby let me...
I did it again, so I’m gonna let my cock drop
Oh myy gosh.
Baby let me suck it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Baby I can break it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Got me like, ooh myy gosh I’m soo in love
I found you finallyy, you make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Ohh myy cock
You make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Verse 1
I fell in love with shawty when I see her on the dance floor
She was dancing sexy, pop, pop, popping, dropping, dropping low
Never ever has a lady hit me on the first sight
This was something special; this was just like dynamite
Honey got a booty like pow, pow, pow
Honey got some boobies like wow, oh wow
Girl you know I’m loving your, loving your style
Check, check, check, check, check, checking you out like,
Ooh (oooh) she got it allll
Sexy from her head to the toes
And I want it all, it all, it all
Baby let me suck it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Baby I can break it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Got me like, ooh myy gosh I’m soo in love
I found you finallyy, you make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Ohh myy cock
You make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Verse 2
Feel so hot for honey out of all the girls up in this club
This one got me whipped, just off one look, yep I fell in love
This one something special, this one just like dynamite,
out of sight
Fell in love with honey like my, oh my
Honey looking wonderful; fly, so fly
Honey like a supermodel; my, oh my
Baby how you do that, make a grown man cry?
Ooh (oooh) baby, you got it alll
Sexy from her head to the toes
And I want it all, it all, it all
Baby let me suck it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Baby I can break it downnnn
There’s so many ways to suck it
Got me like, ooh myy gosh I’m soo in love
I found you finallyy, you make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Ohh myy cock
You make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
And the rest is plain crap.... All this is much like the original version but I modified it a little, now, my version...
Yeej's Version
Oh myyy... Gosh!!!
Baby suck my little cock
There's so many ways to SUCK it
Baby Let's Rockk...
I will show you reproduction...
That's bout it, credits go to the ppl I just mentioned on top. K?K.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Hey, a little depressed today... Lemme tell you why, yesterday, my class and I won the basketball tournament, also Rimup, and we made it to the finals, so we kinda wanna go to Wai Yee's house to hang out... And my aunt said OK, so happy....
Then, she said I either wear her short pants or her dresses, and I was like WTF, didn't u say I can wear what I WANT when I'm WITH my friends? Oh, so you're going back on your word, I never should've trusted u... Anyways, I kinda lost it and started shouting.... I mean, if someone made a deal with you and they broke it, how would you feel? I mean, it's EMBARRASSING!!!! HAiz.... I'm not gonna trust adults anymore...
I'm pretty easy to deal with, you make me a deal, I agree, I keep the deal, and I expect you to DO so... Also, you get me what I want, I get you what you want.
So I guess I'm not going...
ALl her fault...
Then, she said I either wear her short pants or her dresses, and I was like WTF, didn't u say I can wear what I WANT when I'm WITH my friends? Oh, so you're going back on your word, I never should've trusted u... Anyways, I kinda lost it and started shouting.... I mean, if someone made a deal with you and they broke it, how would you feel? I mean, it's EMBARRASSING!!!! HAiz.... I'm not gonna trust adults anymore...
I'm pretty easy to deal with, you make me a deal, I agree, I keep the deal, and I expect you to DO so... Also, you get me what I want, I get you what you want.
So I guess I'm not going...
ALl her fault...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
First off, futsal is a game, it's like football but with less players(5 players), a samller ball, and a smaller court. OK, but this post is not to tell you the wonders of futsal, it's to tell you bout my futsal competition and how my team lost. All because of a stupid referee and cheating opponents...
The day started great, we fought with 2 Quantum, Jia Le scored one goal in the first half, Yong Ning own goal, so that leaves us with 1-1, and at the last minute (or so), I scored, I kinda slided down with my left leg and kick with my right leg, so it was kinda like a corner kick, and that left us with 2-1, so, we ran around a bit, tried to defend a bit and finally, the whistle blew...
So, I kinda scraped my knee, and then with 2 Amiga, lemme just say why we lost before I continued with the match's progress... We lost because: a)We were tired, we fought a match b4, but Amiga did not...
b)The referee is in a relationship with one of the players
c)Penalty kick
OK, we're done with the reasons, now let's get to the play-by-play action....
We tousled around then Jia Le or Yong Ning kicked the ball to the GK, and one of the Amiga's players touched it, quickly pulled back and said 'Sorry'... That was what I saw... In fact, that was what EVERYONE saw... The motherfucking referee said nothing... DUI LE LOU MOU!!! And then, my frens and the viewers said they hand ball another time. As far as I KNOW, if u hand ball at the GK box, it's a penalty kick. After the match, we complained, but the referee was like ' I saw she almost touch the ball then pull back, I'm wearing glasses!!!' Dude, the rest of the ppl saw too, so you're saying other ppl's eyes got prob la? DIAO HAI!!!!! And, if ur wearing glasses, means ur eyes cacat la!!!! NOOB!!! DIAO HAI, just because ur in a relationship doesn't mean u have to cheat RIGHT??!!!! DIAO NOOB FUCK NOOB FUCK!!!!
The day started great, we fought with 2 Quantum, Jia Le scored one goal in the first half, Yong Ning own goal, so that leaves us with 1-1, and at the last minute (or so), I scored, I kinda slided down with my left leg and kick with my right leg, so it was kinda like a corner kick, and that left us with 2-1, so, we ran around a bit, tried to defend a bit and finally, the whistle blew...
So, I kinda scraped my knee, and then with 2 Amiga, lemme just say why we lost before I continued with the match's progress... We lost because: a)We were tired, we fought a match b4, but Amiga did not...
b)The referee is in a relationship with one of the players
c)Penalty kick
OK, we're done with the reasons, now let's get to the play-by-play action....
We tousled around then Jia Le or Yong Ning kicked the ball to the GK, and one of the Amiga's players touched it, quickly pulled back and said 'Sorry'... That was what I saw... In fact, that was what EVERYONE saw... The motherfucking referee said nothing... DUI LE LOU MOU!!! And then, my frens and the viewers said they hand ball another time. As far as I KNOW, if u hand ball at the GK box, it's a penalty kick. After the match, we complained, but the referee was like ' I saw she almost touch the ball then pull back, I'm wearing glasses!!!' Dude, the rest of the ppl saw too, so you're saying other ppl's eyes got prob la? DIAO HAI!!!!! And, if ur wearing glasses, means ur eyes cacat la!!!! NOOB!!! DIAO HAI, just because ur in a relationship doesn't mean u have to cheat RIGHT??!!!! DIAO NOOB FUCK NOOB FUCK!!!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
3 days since I posted anything... Nothing much to say though.... Well, let's get on with the 'announcments, I guess.... OK then, let's begin...
1. Every post will now be posted on a Sunday so I'll have more stuff to post...
2. Announcements will be on Monday night if there's any... But, just check back every Monday night to see if there's any new announcements.
Now that we're done with the announcments, I'm gonna start blogging. It's just a normal blog. First of all, my group at FB, The Penz have just posted our first comic. Episode 1. We're just finishing episode 2. 1 more page and then we'll start working on episode 3. I hope you guys visit it and go check it out.
This blog doesn't have any topics... It's just a reminder to join The Penz
1. Every post will now be posted on a Sunday so I'll have more stuff to post...
2. Announcements will be on Monday night if there's any... But, just check back every Monday night to see if there's any new announcements.
Now that we're done with the announcments, I'm gonna start blogging. It's just a normal blog. First of all, my group at FB, The Penz have just posted our first comic. Episode 1. We're just finishing episode 2. 1 more page and then we'll start working on episode 3. I hope you guys visit it and go check it out.
This blog doesn't have any topics... It's just a reminder to join The Penz
Monday, June 28, 2010
Woah! It's been a few weeks since I actually typed sumthing into this blog, it's been a hectic month for me so far, there's not much time no actually sit down and relax, go to my blog, type a few posts and go, well, I'm kinda free now, so let's talk, I don't think it's gonna b long tho...
1. Tuitions
Guess what, I've been enrolled into some crappy place. A tuition near my house... It's boring... I hate tuitions... The dude seemed nerdy some how... LOLZ... So, the dude, fetched me home from school and when my mom SPECIFICALLY told him to wait for me to like close door and get in, but did he wait? Nooooooo!!! So stupid!!!
2. Dresses
Can someone tell me what's so GREAT bout dresses??? Now, my aunts are FORCING me to wear it, I was humialated and ridiculed... SO idiotic... Lemme ask u this! DID cavewomen go... Dresses are in FASHION this fall, I think I'll make my dress outta banana leaves! No... Clothes are just used for covering us up, we ARE entitled to wear what we like, it's not what's IN, but what's COMFORTABLE!!! Lemme ask u this, if u were a popstar, and u'd wanna b famous, would u have sex wif some dude and let everyone noe, or just b urself???
This is an OUTRAGE!!!!
3. S.A
Sudden Attack!!! Played till CRAZYYYY!!! It's really awesome, but it's graphics are kinda noob... But, u get to play wif ur frens. If u wanna add me, pls send me a self intro msg telling me wat skul r u from, ur name, ur age etc... If same skul pls tell me wad class. My skul is SMK USJ12... My username is Yeej. That's bout it, bbye!
1. Tuitions
Guess what, I've been enrolled into some crappy place. A tuition near my house... It's boring... I hate tuitions... The dude seemed nerdy some how... LOLZ... So, the dude, fetched me home from school and when my mom SPECIFICALLY told him to wait for me to like close door and get in, but did he wait? Nooooooo!!! So stupid!!!
2. Dresses
Can someone tell me what's so GREAT bout dresses??? Now, my aunts are FORCING me to wear it, I was humialated and ridiculed... SO idiotic... Lemme ask u this! DID cavewomen go... Dresses are in FASHION this fall, I think I'll make my dress outta banana leaves! No... Clothes are just used for covering us up, we ARE entitled to wear what we like, it's not what's IN, but what's COMFORTABLE!!! Lemme ask u this, if u were a popstar, and u'd wanna b famous, would u have sex wif some dude and let everyone noe, or just b urself???
This is an OUTRAGE!!!!
3. S.A
Sudden Attack!!! Played till CRAZYYYY!!! It's really awesome, but it's graphics are kinda noob... But, u get to play wif ur frens. If u wanna add me, pls send me a self intro msg telling me wat skul r u from, ur name, ur age etc... If same skul pls tell me wad class. My skul is SMK USJ12... My username is Yeej. That's bout it, bbye!
Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's been an action packed week and I have LOADS to talk bout, so there'll be loads of topics and other stuff like that, and this might take a while, so, just sit back and enjoy.
1. The Announcements
Thanks to all of my readers (the very few), this blog is kinda boring, I know, but, u guys still read through and it kinda means a lot to me, so, thanks, I guess...
2. The Penz
Well, The Penz is a comic script I started with Teo Jia Le, Yong Ning, Oh Get Ing and me, Yeej. It's about 8 kids, 5 boys 3 girls, go through their lives like normal kids, until they entered some band thingy and became famous. It's kinda awesome, I guess, there's a group there in FaceBook, you can go join it, just type 'The Penz' and it will appear, new comics come out every week, hopefully, we can, not giving any confirmation, but we'll try. Honesstly, we'll try. Pls join.
3. Carolyn's Bday
Today went to Sunway Pyramid with Yong Ning, Jun Kit, Aina, Wai Yee and Carolyn. It was OK, we watched Shrek, I think it's spelled that way, it was kinda fun/boring. Not sure... LOL... Not gonna explain cuz' I doubt u guys wanna noe...
4. Maths and Drawing
Lemme ask you, does Maths have anything to do with Comics?! Nope! What does MATHS have anything to do with COMICS?????? What am I supposed to do? CALCULATE the angle of the face?! Draw a PEPENDICUALR BISECTOR!? Measure how LONG a building is gonna be??? Use ALGEBRA!??? Stupid, but my aunt insists, so stupid, I know, Ugh! And I think I flunked my Maths, I'm DEAD. R.I.P
5. Photos Of me
Well, the photos when I went to Sunway will be posted on the top, I only post 2 though, my coolest. XD~
That's all... I guess, sry if It wasn't long enough..
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sooo, long time no post anything. Sorry, anyways, terrible start of the week, Failed at Sej. My Moral is A, Science is average, C. KH too. Tmr Maths, Geo, English. English is the only thing I look forward to. I'm probably gonna fail Maths like I did last Semester, and Geo, well, I doubt I'll get an A, I'd be happy to even get a B.
Tmr got English tuition. Ace-Edventure. Have to do presentation...
Can't wait for the hols...
Someone hacked Mike's account, so delete him...
I need a job, I'm saving for a doggie!! ^^
Topic: Dog
I want a dog, well, to be specific, I want a Siberian Husky, problem is, they're difficult to take care of... I dun really mind any dog, just as long as it has spiky eared, and cute as a puppy and kinda 'yeng'... XD
Topic: Save The Earth
So, school. I'm not saying this because I hate school or anything, well, I do, but, that's not the point. U see everyone going SAVE THE ENVIROMENT and crap like that, well, going to school DESTROYS THE ENVIROMENT, textbooks? We hardly use it. Notebooks? Waste our ink and then throw it away after the end of the year. SO? The point u ask. The point is, when the world runs out of trees, are we going to care? Humans panick at the last minute. Stupid. But true. If we don't take action now, generations after us are going to suffer extreme heat, we might have to live underground!!!
You know what's making the ozone layer thinner and thinner? Scientists!!! They try out their nuclear bombs and all that, let me ask u this? What good is war when u lose the one u love? What good is money when the world is about to end? What good is making a spaceship and living on it until u run outta supplies? NOTHING!!! Why don't we just live in peace? Why don't we appreciate the world? Why don't we appreciate our EARTH!?
Lemme ask u another question. If some billionaire who ruins the world but respects his parents. Most ppl might say that's the right thing to do, yea, it is. But, our real parent is the earth!!!
Without the earth, would our parents even exist? NOOOOOOOO, ur great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather wouldn't even been born without EARTH, so why are we hurting the place that gave us life? Cuz humans are just conceited, vain and so on. We might think animals are dumber, but in truth, they're smarter, you don't see them destroying the world for their own needs right???? NOOOOOO!!!
Well, that's all for now. Bbye!
Tmr got English tuition. Ace-Edventure. Have to do presentation...
Can't wait for the hols...
Someone hacked Mike's account, so delete him...
I need a job, I'm saving for a doggie!! ^^
Topic: Dog
I want a dog, well, to be specific, I want a Siberian Husky, problem is, they're difficult to take care of... I dun really mind any dog, just as long as it has spiky eared, and cute as a puppy and kinda 'yeng'... XD
Topic: Save The Earth
So, school. I'm not saying this because I hate school or anything, well, I do, but, that's not the point. U see everyone going SAVE THE ENVIROMENT and crap like that, well, going to school DESTROYS THE ENVIROMENT, textbooks? We hardly use it. Notebooks? Waste our ink and then throw it away after the end of the year. SO? The point u ask. The point is, when the world runs out of trees, are we going to care? Humans panick at the last minute. Stupid. But true. If we don't take action now, generations after us are going to suffer extreme heat, we might have to live underground!!!
You know what's making the ozone layer thinner and thinner? Scientists!!! They try out their nuclear bombs and all that, let me ask u this? What good is war when u lose the one u love? What good is money when the world is about to end? What good is making a spaceship and living on it until u run outta supplies? NOTHING!!! Why don't we just live in peace? Why don't we appreciate the world? Why don't we appreciate our EARTH!?
Lemme ask u another question. If some billionaire who ruins the world but respects his parents. Most ppl might say that's the right thing to do, yea, it is. But, our real parent is the earth!!!
Without the earth, would our parents even exist? NOOOOOOOO, ur great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather wouldn't even been born without EARTH, so why are we hurting the place that gave us life? Cuz humans are just conceited, vain and so on. We might think animals are dumber, but in truth, they're smarter, you don't see them destroying the world for their own needs right???? NOOOOOO!!!
Well, that's all for now. Bbye!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Just had a horrible week, weekends don't count, first of all, MATHS, THE FUCKING STINIKIN MATHS!!! Let's say, Imma gonna fail. That's all, in my point of view, in MY point of view, I think linear equations, algebra, phythogarus theorem are stupid, pointless and useless. It's not like I'm gonna use ALGEBRA when I grow up. Then why bother learn? WAste of time, now, if my cousin is gonna talk crap like he did when I stated Geography is useless in my last blog a year ago, I'm tellin him this now: This is my poiint of view, so dun comment and try telling me the 'wonders' of maths like u did with the 'wonders' of Geography.'
Well, the weekend wasn't so bad, today I bought a PUMA black Hoodie, a 17 magazine and a book. XD, haven't read it yet, savin for tmr, English exams, easy peasy. But I'm not gonna let my guard down. Hopefully, I'll get the highest in class like I did last semester. XD. Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Just had a horrible week, weekends don't count, first of all, MATHS, THE FUCKING STINIKIN MATHS!!! Let's say, Imma gonna fail. That's all, in my point of view, in MY point of view, I think linear equations, algebra, phythogarus theorem are stupid, pointless and useless. It's not like I'm gonna use ALGEBRA when I grow up. Then why bother learn? WAste of time, now, if my cousin is gonna talk crap like he did when I stated Geography is useless in my last blog a year ago, I'm tellin him this now: This is my poiint of view, so dun comment and try telling me the 'wonders' of maths like u did with the 'wonders' of Geography.'
Well, the weekend wasn't so bad, today I bought a PUMA black Hoodie, a 17 magazine and a book. XD, haven't read it yet, savin for tmr, English exams, easy peasy. But I'm not gonna let my guard down. Hopefully, I'll get the highest in class like I did last semester. XD. Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Back To Blogging
OK! I'm back to blogging, I've given up. Today's Sej was terrible, and so was today's Chinese, ugh! OMG, guess wat? TMR is MATHS!!! Paper 1 AND Paper 2!!! I'm dead, I flunked last time's one. But for my defence, it was pretty hard, but the real reason is: I didn't study....
In my defence, I forget anything that is taught whenever the teacher teaches another lesson, it's still in there, gotta refresh. But, my problem is, whenever I look at a book[(textbook, exercise book)Not story books] my mind kinda just shuts down. It's like, it doesn't ABSORB anything, nothing goes through it, it's like there's this really really THICK ozone layer that protects my brain from studying. If storybooks, they're a different story, I could read one over and over again without getting bored or anything. Can there be anyone to study WITHOUT getting bored? Tell me.
ANother thing, I have a crappy tuition, as I said, everything remains ANONYMOUS in this blog. It's sooo sucky, I made the wrong choice going (continuing)this tuition. I've been going there since I was X years old, mayb a few years now, I wasn't really little, so......
DUn wanna talk so much in case ppl from there read this blog and report to the person in charge. If u wanna noe, ask me what tuition it is in FB. OK? HOw do u make it into a private blog? Cuz' I dun wan unwanted ppl prying. LOLZ. Bbye!
In my defence, I forget anything that is taught whenever the teacher teaches another lesson, it's still in there, gotta refresh. But, my problem is, whenever I look at a book[(textbook, exercise book)Not story books] my mind kinda just shuts down. It's like, it doesn't ABSORB anything, nothing goes through it, it's like there's this really really THICK ozone layer that protects my brain from studying. If storybooks, they're a different story, I could read one over and over again without getting bored or anything. Can there be anyone to study WITHOUT getting bored? Tell me.
ANother thing, I have a crappy tuition, as I said, everything remains ANONYMOUS in this blog. It's sooo sucky, I made the wrong choice going (continuing)this tuition. I've been going there since I was X years old, mayb a few years now, I wasn't really little, so......
DUn wanna talk so much in case ppl from there read this blog and report to the person in charge. If u wanna noe, ask me what tuition it is in FB. OK? HOw do u make it into a private blog? Cuz' I dun wan unwanted ppl prying. LOLZ. Bbye!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wow, 9 days without posting anything... New record, except for the one neglected, that doesn't count... Well, I'm kinda bummed because my bro keeps playing Cabal, and, the music is soooo sucky.
Well, it's near exams now, heck, it's already exam time. Well, enough bout boring stuff, I got like a few stuff I wanna talk bout. Like this comic/book. Like Diary Of A Wimpy Kid kinda type of book, it's called Big Nate In A Class By Himself, there's also 1online, if u want the website, it's on the end of this post. Anyways, it's a really good comic, and a good book. I think it's better than Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, because this thing has really cool stuff, and they show us like everything. (If u read the comic). Like summer vacation, school, teachers and crap like that. Wayyyy better than Diary Of A Wimpy kid.
And, second of all, remember that I said I quited G.A.P (Great Awesome Pro), we changed the whole thing to The Penz, it's a comic group. And, we have a group in facebook. Just type in The Penz then can adi. So, make sure u join it, but sorry, you can't post crap into it, because I've seen groups with a lot of ppl in it, well, they post crap... So, sorry la.
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Well, it's near exams now, heck, it's already exam time. Well, enough bout boring stuff, I got like a few stuff I wanna talk bout. Like this comic/book. Like Diary Of A Wimpy Kid kinda type of book, it's called Big Nate In A Class By Himself, there's also 1online, if u want the website, it's on the end of this post. Anyways, it's a really good comic, and a good book. I think it's better than Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, because this thing has really cool stuff, and they show us like everything. (If u read the comic). Like summer vacation, school, teachers and crap like that. Wayyyy better than Diary Of A Wimpy kid.
And, second of all, remember that I said I quited G.A.P (Great Awesome Pro), we changed the whole thing to The Penz, it's a comic group. And, we have a group in facebook. Just type in The Penz then can adi. So, make sure u join it, but sorry, you can't post crap into it, because I've seen groups with a lot of ppl in it, well, they post crap... So, sorry la.
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Monday, May 10, 2010
So, this title says G.A.P, well, G.A.P... You don't need to know what it stands for, well...
I'm thinking of quiting it, I think friends are more important then this. If I keep this up, I might lose some of my friends, I don't wanna end up friendless... :(
So... I'll tell you one thing, G.A.P is a bully gang, and I've done my share of bullying, it's fun when it happens, but it'll turn to regret... Well, there's perks, like the fact that it's awesome, but there's more downside than upside right?
Guess so, well, thinking bout it, so tell me what to choose, even if I don't know you. I'd really really apreciate ur opinons, XD. That's all for now. Bbye!
So, this title says G.A.P, well, G.A.P... You don't need to know what it stands for, well...
I'm thinking of quiting it, I think friends are more important then this. If I keep this up, I might lose some of my friends, I don't wanna end up friendless... :(
So... I'll tell you one thing, G.A.P is a bully gang, and I've done my share of bullying, it's fun when it happens, but it'll turn to regret... Well, there's perks, like the fact that it's awesome, but there's more downside than upside right?
Guess so, well, thinking bout it, so tell me what to choose, even if I don't know you. I'd really really apreciate ur opinons, XD. That's all for now. Bbye!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I know! This is a different greeting! I'm shocked myself! XD.
So, I was supposed to do my aunt's homework, ugh! But, I managed to talk my way round. See, after breakfast, we came back, and I told my aunt I'd do it after we came back from shopping, then, when I came back from shopping, she didn't mention anything, so I just played Runescape with my bro till I stomach pain... T.T, so dinner, came back, now, blogging. I'm sorry I didn't have much time to blog these days, but there's nothing to post bout. I dun think ppl would be interested with me saying: I bathed, then I watched TV! Then I... blah...blah..blah.....
So, in conclusion, no one wants to hear bout people yakking bout their life, what ppl want is a topic where you could talk crap and no one will care, they'll just read on and on and on. So, if you guys want me to talk bout anything, post it on the cbox and I'll talk bout it. That's the announcements, now the topics.
Topic: School and Teachers
So, I know many of you guys, heck, all of you guys have been to school, it doesn't matter which school, all of the teachers would probably say 'Why do you come to school if you don't wanna study?' or 'Get outta my class if you don't wanna listen!' And probably most of you will be like 'Sure, if I could!'.
See, the deal is, if you don't go to school, your parents will be arrested by the police for not doing their duty of educating you. Right? Right. It's not like you can tell the police 'I didn't go to school because the teacher told me to..' or 'School's boring!' right? So, you have no choice, but to buck up, and go to school.
The deal with teachers is that they don't know what it's like to be young, they sorta lose their memories when they become adults, not only teachers, but every adult in this planet. So, they can talk bout the fun they had when they were a kid, but not really feel that way. Get my drift? Hopefully. I don't become a mindless zombie when I'm an adult. So, think bout it, what will you be like when you're an adult? An outgoing guy who doesn't care bout his life(Ppl like this dun have jobs, beware!) A normal guy? A mindless zombie!?
That's all for now, there'll b another post tmr. Bbye!
I know! This is a different greeting! I'm shocked myself! XD.
So, I was supposed to do my aunt's homework, ugh! But, I managed to talk my way round. See, after breakfast, we came back, and I told my aunt I'd do it after we came back from shopping, then, when I came back from shopping, she didn't mention anything, so I just played Runescape with my bro till I stomach pain... T.T, so dinner, came back, now, blogging. I'm sorry I didn't have much time to blog these days, but there's nothing to post bout. I dun think ppl would be interested with me saying: I bathed, then I watched TV! Then I... blah...blah..blah.....
So, in conclusion, no one wants to hear bout people yakking bout their life, what ppl want is a topic where you could talk crap and no one will care, they'll just read on and on and on. So, if you guys want me to talk bout anything, post it on the cbox and I'll talk bout it. That's the announcements, now the topics.
Topic: School and Teachers
So, I know many of you guys, heck, all of you guys have been to school, it doesn't matter which school, all of the teachers would probably say 'Why do you come to school if you don't wanna study?' or 'Get outta my class if you don't wanna listen!' And probably most of you will be like 'Sure, if I could!'.
See, the deal is, if you don't go to school, your parents will be arrested by the police for not doing their duty of educating you. Right? Right. It's not like you can tell the police 'I didn't go to school because the teacher told me to..' or 'School's boring!' right? So, you have no choice, but to buck up, and go to school.
The deal with teachers is that they don't know what it's like to be young, they sorta lose their memories when they become adults, not only teachers, but every adult in this planet. So, they can talk bout the fun they had when they were a kid, but not really feel that way. Get my drift? Hopefully. I don't become a mindless zombie when I'm an adult. So, think bout it, what will you be like when you're an adult? An outgoing guy who doesn't care bout his life(Ppl like this dun have jobs, beware!) A normal guy? A mindless zombie!?
That's all for now, there'll b another post tmr. Bbye!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
LOL. So, I was playing softball in PJK time with my buddies, and I'm really satisfied, I mean, I got to slide and catch the ball, tat was wat I really wanted all along. LOL. Anyways, I'm going into one of my daydream moods again, so, this time, I though bout if my high school buddies really formed a softball team, who would be in it and for wat they would be in it for. Even got explanation. XD
1. Team Captain/Pitcher-Boey Jie Ting
2. Catcher-Yoshnaa (Catcher is the one who kneels down and catches the ball if the opponent strikes)
3. First Baseman-Carolyn (The one who "jaga" the first base) (And yes, you dun touch the cone, you touch the opponent with the ball before he/she reaches the base ur protecting)
4. Second Baseman-Yong Ning
5. Shortstop-Yeej (Me)(Fields the balls hit to the infield between second and third base)
6. Third Baseman-Jia Le
7. Outfielders (Left)-Alice
9.(Middle)-Aina (Positioned beyond the infield, they catch and field “fly balls,” line drives, and ground balls hit into the outfield.)
10-13. Substitues (When player cannot attend or are hurt, they step in)
And I think we have a name already? LOL
Stupid name la
I know my frens will be like, stupid la! And other stuff. LOL
This is for Caorlyn and Yoshnaa : Ur performances were AWESOME today. Eve though ur not in my team, I congratulate you. -salutes-
THat's all for today. Bbye!
1. Team Captain/Pitcher-Boey Jie Ting
2. Catcher-Yoshnaa (Catcher is the one who kneels down and catches the ball if the opponent strikes)
3. First Baseman-Carolyn (The one who "jaga" the first base) (And yes, you dun touch the cone, you touch the opponent with the ball before he/she reaches the base ur protecting)
4. Second Baseman-Yong Ning
5. Shortstop-Yeej (Me)(Fields the balls hit to the infield between second and third base)
6. Third Baseman-Jia Le
7. Outfielders (Left)-Alice
9.(Middle)-Aina (Positioned beyond the infield, they catch and field “fly balls,” line drives, and ground balls hit into the outfield.)
10-13. Substitues (When player cannot attend or are hurt, they step in)
And I think we have a name already? LOL
Stupid name la
I know my frens will be like, stupid la! And other stuff. LOL
This is for Caorlyn and Yoshnaa : Ur performances were AWESOME today. Eve though ur not in my team, I congratulate you. -salutes-
THat's all for today. Bbye!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The List
OK, I started one day early, but c'mon, I was bored.
Once again, the ratings:
a)Good fren
b)Not sure/Dunno
c)Bad fren (bad fren is like i dun really like, but can b considered as frens)
d)Bad influence
e)Normal fren
And I will be saying it in A-E form.
1.Chew Si Lin-A
2.Kuah Voon Shien-A
3.Chong Jing Ting-A
4.Ng Wai Yee-A
5.Ong Jia Son-A
6.Daniel Chin-A
7.Agnes Yeo-A
8.Leong Wen Ting-A
9.Wong Si Jin-A
10.Cha Tze Jim-E
11.Lye Chai Sheng-E
12.Chia Kim Kim-A
13.Lim Jun Yang-E
14.Lim Kee Yew-E
15.Lim Tow Han-E
16.Lim Wan Yin-A
17.Lim Jen-Kynn-A
18.Amos Tan-E
19.Foo Jia Jun-E
20.Bernadette Hon-E
21.Ching Yen Yew-A
22.Gan Yang En-A
23.Lam Jau Huei-E
24.Tham Kwok Zhen-E
25.Tham Li Ern-E
26.Tham Shi Ying-E
27.Tan Ying Ying-E
28.Yap Xiao Fern-E
29.Nicole Choy-E
30.Goh Shiao Pei-E
31.Low Li San-E
32.Woo Zhi Sheng-E
33.Lim Jit Yue-A
34.Wong Lin Xuan-A
35.Tan Mei Yu-E
36.Tan Wei Sheng-E
37.Go Kit Loong-E
38.Mitch Goh-E
39.Aaron Jared Ng-E
40.Tai Kang-E
41.Brandon Loh-E
42.Yi Vian-E
44.Yong Ning-A
45.Jia Le-A
46.Jia Ying-A
49.Jie Ting-A
50.Mun Wai-D
53.Eng Giap-E
54.Rue SHen-E
55.Ru Shan-E
56.Get Ing-E
57.Zhu En-E
59.Cheah Ka Wye-E
61.Sze Too Wei Yi-E
62.Roland Goh-A
63.Robin Goh-E
64.Sofia Natasha-E
65.Aina Najwa-E
66.Tyan CHian-E
67.Wong Xue Yun-E
68.Goh Xin Rou-E
69.Yann Ying-E
70.Rachel Foong-E
71.Teck Guan-E
72.Shing Yuen-E
74.Pravin Rao-E
75.Daniel Chow-E
76.Jun Kit-E
79.Lucy Anderson-E
80.Ng Yong Han-E
81.Ler En Zhen-E
82.Yu Kai Wen-E
83.Lim Le-Ann-E
84.Lee Yi Shen-E
85.Wong Qian Rou-E(dun really noe her tat well)
86.Cheah Ming Yi-E
87.Hui Wen-E
88.Hua Meng-E
89.Ng Wan Jing-E
90.Kenny Lee-E
91.Janice Lee-E
92.Kwan Ze Yen-E
93.Tang Pei Ni-E
94.Ong Jie Yee-E
95.Yee Hui Lee-E
96.Chan Tze Jia-E
97.Wee Ying Chee-E
98.Chua Jia Wei-E
99.Andrew Lau-E
LOL. I think that's bout it, I still got loads more, but those are like acquaintances. And I only write those who are friends with me for OVER a year. If I forgot anybody, don't hesitate to point it out.
And also, this appplies to Yong Ning', just because I put ur names on top doesn't mean I prefer you more than my other friends. See ur ratings frst. Rmb, number doesn't count
Once again, the ratings:
a)Good fren
b)Not sure/Dunno
c)Bad fren (bad fren is like i dun really like, but can b considered as frens)
d)Bad influence
e)Normal fren
And I will be saying it in A-E form.
1.Chew Si Lin-A
2.Kuah Voon Shien-A
3.Chong Jing Ting-A
4.Ng Wai Yee-A
5.Ong Jia Son-A
6.Daniel Chin-A
7.Agnes Yeo-A
8.Leong Wen Ting-A
9.Wong Si Jin-A
10.Cha Tze Jim-E
11.Lye Chai Sheng-E
12.Chia Kim Kim-A
13.Lim Jun Yang-E
14.Lim Kee Yew-E
15.Lim Tow Han-E
16.Lim Wan Yin-A
17.Lim Jen-Kynn-A
18.Amos Tan-E
19.Foo Jia Jun-E
20.Bernadette Hon-E
21.Ching Yen Yew-A
22.Gan Yang En-A
23.Lam Jau Huei-E
24.Tham Kwok Zhen-E
25.Tham Li Ern-E
26.Tham Shi Ying-E
27.Tan Ying Ying-E
28.Yap Xiao Fern-E
29.Nicole Choy-E
30.Goh Shiao Pei-E
31.Low Li San-E
32.Woo Zhi Sheng-E
33.Lim Jit Yue-A
34.Wong Lin Xuan-A
35.Tan Mei Yu-E
36.Tan Wei Sheng-E
37.Go Kit Loong-E
38.Mitch Goh-E
39.Aaron Jared Ng-E
40.Tai Kang-E
41.Brandon Loh-E
42.Yi Vian-E
44.Yong Ning-A
45.Jia Le-A
46.Jia Ying-A
49.Jie Ting-A
50.Mun Wai-D
53.Eng Giap-E
54.Rue SHen-E
55.Ru Shan-E
56.Get Ing-E
57.Zhu En-E
59.Cheah Ka Wye-E
61.Sze Too Wei Yi-E
62.Roland Goh-A
63.Robin Goh-E
64.Sofia Natasha-E
65.Aina Najwa-E
66.Tyan CHian-E
67.Wong Xue Yun-E
68.Goh Xin Rou-E
69.Yann Ying-E
70.Rachel Foong-E
71.Teck Guan-E
72.Shing Yuen-E
74.Pravin Rao-E
75.Daniel Chow-E
76.Jun Kit-E
79.Lucy Anderson-E
80.Ng Yong Han-E
81.Ler En Zhen-E
82.Yu Kai Wen-E
83.Lim Le-Ann-E
84.Lee Yi Shen-E
85.Wong Qian Rou-E(dun really noe her tat well)
86.Cheah Ming Yi-E
87.Hui Wen-E
88.Hua Meng-E
89.Ng Wan Jing-E
90.Kenny Lee-E
91.Janice Lee-E
92.Kwan Ze Yen-E
93.Tang Pei Ni-E
94.Ong Jie Yee-E
95.Yee Hui Lee-E
96.Chan Tze Jia-E
97.Wee Ying Chee-E
98.Chua Jia Wei-E
99.Andrew Lau-E
LOL. I think that's bout it, I still got loads more, but those are like acquaintances. And I only write those who are friends with me for OVER a year. If I forgot anybody, don't hesitate to point it out.
And also, this appplies to Yong Ning', just because I put ur names on top doesn't mean I prefer you more than my other friends. See ur ratings frst. Rmb, number doesn't count
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Yo, I've been bored lately, so, I'm gonna post crap on my blog. I don't really care bout rulez on my blog, but I'm making a few, wth, 1. My golden rule is... Go on, guess. If you guessed spammin, wrong. If you guessed using vulgar words, wrong! Well, the Golden Rule is that everything bad I type here remains anonymous. So, if I type stuff like, 'I hate my school', don't go asking me, which school do you go to? And, the good things are meant to be out, everyone just cares bout bad things and not good things, so screw this. Tomorow, I'm making a big list of my friends, everyone I know, that is, friends, wil be recorded in it. Enemy, I'm not sure yet, but every single person I know throughout my 14 years of existance will not be missed. XD. Well, IF I did miss(which I very much doubt), pls forgive me. Only those I 'anggap' as friends. Acquaintances, mayb I will put, maybe I won't.
Each will be given a rating. And maybe some comments la. Like...-Good fren, but I dunno her/him much.
And the ratings will be:
a)Good fren
b)Not sure/Dunno
c)Bad freb (bad fren is like i dun really like, but can b considered as frens)
d)Bad influence
So. Now that I'm done clearing up the events of my blog, let's go on with more important stuff, the anouncements. Well, from today onwards, every Sunday, I will be making some announcements, so if u guys just wanna hear bout my crap, don't go to my blog on Sundays, because it'll be like an assembly or something like tat.
OK, the announcement is done, now for MY crap. LOL. Well, got hauled into BBI by PnX. The ... teacher. AND I WAS THE VICTIM! WTH was that!? Well, I tried explaning to her that I was just sitting in my place, well, not exactly my place, Jia Le's place. Because, well, acctually, I was messing around in Yoshnaa's place, when XXX and a bunch of girls went 'whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' and clapping, I ran to Jia Le's seat, because Wai Yee took my chair, I knew PnX would be coming, then she came in lo. As predicted and dragged 2 of the group's ppl. Me, Yee Jin The Great and Yong Ning the Awesome, and the other girls who clapped and yelled 'whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'. So, I got some amaran thingy, and well, my friends did apologize. It didn't really matter to me as long as I don't have to face Mom and Dad, I'm cool bout it. But, when ppl apologize for more than once, it gets really awkward, unless it's like relatives la, cuz' it'd be fun to see them say 'sorry' again and again. XD
There's nothing really wrong bout my school, except that they built some nice places near the canteen and wouldn't let us use it, what's the point of wasting the money then? If ur not gonna use it, don't buy it. And I wish Malaysian schools will be more like the US schools where we get to wear our own clothes, have our own lockers and choose our own classes. And, we should use laptops. Everyone's like 'SAVE THE ENVIROMENT', but, we're wasting it. Notebooks? Copy some crap, the next year, throw it away. Textbooks, hardly read it. Workbooks, do some crap, next year, throw it away. What's the point!? If we bring laptops. yea, sure we use some money, but if u take Std 1-Form 5's notebooks/textbooks money, it will be a hell lot more than a laptop. Why not buy a laptop, and use it for years than buy notebooks and use it for a year and throw??? If you buy a laptop, u can like, return it and use it's spare parts to make another laptop, or melt it down or soomething like that. Well, hopefully, I made my point. I don't really wanna go to Malaysian schools, I just wannna go to the IGCSE? I'm not sure la. Not sure, but wanna go. LOLz.
Well, hopefully, my mom will buy a new HP for me. I don't wanna share it with my dad, and I don't wanna a Motorola, I gotta admit, it IS sturdy, I dropped it for loads of times(accidental) and it didn't break, so, good thing la. But, design ugly, no good apps, and other crap like that la, plus, I don't like my dad's frens calling me. LOL. And for the 29th time I told them my dad doesn't have the phone, they call again the next day. WTF! Don't they have lives!?
Well, enough bout my crap. Bbye!
Each will be given a rating. And maybe some comments la. Like...-Good fren, but I dunno her/him much.
And the ratings will be:
a)Good fren
b)Not sure/Dunno
c)Bad freb (bad fren is like i dun really like, but can b considered as frens)
d)Bad influence
So. Now that I'm done clearing up the events of my blog, let's go on with more important stuff, the anouncements. Well, from today onwards, every Sunday, I will be making some announcements, so if u guys just wanna hear bout my crap, don't go to my blog on Sundays, because it'll be like an assembly or something like tat.
OK, the announcement is done, now for MY crap. LOL. Well, got hauled into BBI by PnX. The ... teacher. AND I WAS THE VICTIM! WTH was that!? Well, I tried explaning to her that I was just sitting in my place, well, not exactly my place, Jia Le's place. Because, well, acctually, I was messing around in Yoshnaa's place, when XXX and a bunch of girls went 'whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' and clapping, I ran to Jia Le's seat, because Wai Yee took my chair, I knew PnX would be coming, then she came in lo. As predicted and dragged 2 of the group's ppl. Me, Yee Jin The Great and Yong Ning the Awesome, and the other girls who clapped and yelled 'whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'. So, I got some amaran thingy, and well, my friends did apologize. It didn't really matter to me as long as I don't have to face Mom and Dad, I'm cool bout it. But, when ppl apologize for more than once, it gets really awkward, unless it's like relatives la, cuz' it'd be fun to see them say 'sorry' again and again. XD
There's nothing really wrong bout my school, except that they built some nice places near the canteen and wouldn't let us use it, what's the point of wasting the money then? If ur not gonna use it, don't buy it. And I wish Malaysian schools will be more like the US schools where we get to wear our own clothes, have our own lockers and choose our own classes. And, we should use laptops. Everyone's like 'SAVE THE ENVIROMENT', but, we're wasting it. Notebooks? Copy some crap, the next year, throw it away. Textbooks, hardly read it. Workbooks, do some crap, next year, throw it away. What's the point!? If we bring laptops. yea, sure we use some money, but if u take Std 1-Form 5's notebooks/textbooks money, it will be a hell lot more than a laptop. Why not buy a laptop, and use it for years than buy notebooks and use it for a year and throw??? If you buy a laptop, u can like, return it and use it's spare parts to make another laptop, or melt it down or soomething like that. Well, hopefully, I made my point. I don't really wanna go to Malaysian schools, I just wannna go to the IGCSE? I'm not sure la. Not sure, but wanna go. LOLz.
Well, hopefully, my mom will buy a new HP for me. I don't wanna share it with my dad, and I don't wanna a Motorola, I gotta admit, it IS sturdy, I dropped it for loads of times(accidental) and it didn't break, so, good thing la. But, design ugly, no good apps, and other crap like that la, plus, I don't like my dad's frens calling me. LOL. And for the 29th time I told them my dad doesn't have the phone, they call again the next day. WTF! Don't they have lives!?
Well, enough bout my crap. Bbye!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
OK, it's been a long time now since I posted anything new, I know this blog is gonna be neglected soon, but, it's like no one ever reads my blog, and when I say no one, I mean no one, it gets really boring without anyone talking in the cbox, even though I told my very very very few readers to comment on anything.
Anyways, today Mun Wai and Dylan showed up, we did pretty much nothing, OK, not nothing, we did some of our projects, and then we went out to skateboard, but none of us dared to go down the ramp, so we got bored, hung out for a while and then my aunt came lo. It's like so stupid, I think it's only 1 hour? And she was like, you went for a long time you know! I was pissed.
So, we went back and played PS2, Dylan wanted to play on my laptop, but I was like no cuz' he's a freaking addict. And, I found out some guy called KevJumba, well, he's kinda funny, better than NigaHiga, NigaHiga is kinda boring nowadays without his frenz, he's getting less and less viewers, Smosh is still OK, well, make sure you check out KevJumba on Youtube, he's better than NigaHiga.
And for the next thing, I want you readers to do a mental exercise, it's very easy, just say "Alpha Kenny Body" really fast. If you still don't get it, you can post a comment ON THE CBOX and ask me, pls, I'm begging you, post something there!
Well, as I was saying, today Mun Wai and Dylan came to my house while Carolyn, Yong Ning and Wai Yee went to Yoshnaa's house, I should've went to Yoshnaa's house, it's more fun. T.T
They got really cool vids, so make sure you check it out tmr, on fb, well, Wai Yee and Yong Ning has em', Carolyn and Yoshnaa, I dun think so. LOL. But seriously, check it out, and also remeber to check KevJumba on Youtube.
Well, there's nothing much to say right? I don't wanna bore you readers. XD. You very very very little readers. XD. Bbye!
Anyways, today Mun Wai and Dylan showed up, we did pretty much nothing, OK, not nothing, we did some of our projects, and then we went out to skateboard, but none of us dared to go down the ramp, so we got bored, hung out for a while and then my aunt came lo. It's like so stupid, I think it's only 1 hour? And she was like, you went for a long time you know! I was pissed.
So, we went back and played PS2, Dylan wanted to play on my laptop, but I was like no cuz' he's a freaking addict. And, I found out some guy called KevJumba, well, he's kinda funny, better than NigaHiga, NigaHiga is kinda boring nowadays without his frenz, he's getting less and less viewers, Smosh is still OK, well, make sure you check out KevJumba on Youtube, he's better than NigaHiga.
And for the next thing, I want you readers to do a mental exercise, it's very easy, just say "Alpha Kenny Body" really fast. If you still don't get it, you can post a comment ON THE CBOX and ask me, pls, I'm begging you, post something there!
Well, as I was saying, today Mun Wai and Dylan came to my house while Carolyn, Yong Ning and Wai Yee went to Yoshnaa's house, I should've went to Yoshnaa's house, it's more fun. T.T
They got really cool vids, so make sure you check it out tmr, on fb, well, Wai Yee and Yong Ning has em', Carolyn and Yoshnaa, I dun think so. LOL. But seriously, check it out, and also remeber to check KevJumba on Youtube.
Well, there's nothing much to say right? I don't wanna bore you readers. XD. You very very very little readers. XD. Bbye!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Got A New Hamster For My Blog
Hi! I got a new hamster, for my blog!!! It's sooooooooo freaking adorable... XDXD... You guys could try it out. Seriously. Freaking cute, click n he middle of the wheel to see it running. CLick the space aroud it to drop food and watch the hamster eat the food. I decided to name the hamster Rexy, like my blue mechanical pencil Rexgrip 0.5 Pilot. XDXD. I go Rexy(the mechanical pencil) since I was Std4 or Std5, not sure... LOL. Until now la...
Anyways, ... I've been running low on stuff to say... SO, I think I'm gonna stop now... Bbye!
Anyways, ... I've been running low on stuff to say... SO, I think I'm gonna stop now... Bbye!
4 Days Of Blog Dead-ness.
4 days of dead blog-ness. I know I promised to write everyday, but I couldn't help it, but, I see loads of bloggers leave their posts dead too. I gtg... Sry..Bbye!
4 days of dead blog-ness. I know I promised to write everyday, but I couldn't help it, but, I see loads of bloggers leave their posts dead too. I gtg... Sry..Bbye!
Friday, April 16, 2010
OK, I know I used this idiotic '...' thingy as a title for more than once, mayb twice, but, I don't seriously care... I'm bored now. Haiz...
So, I'm kinda bored now and I have absolubetly nothing to do, I dun even think absolubtely is spelled like this...
So, I'm kinda bored now and I have absolubetly nothing to do, I dun even think absolubtely is spelled like this...
Monday, April 12, 2010
OK, don't ask me why, cuz' I don't even know why I put this as my title. So, I think the word instinct is spelled like this. So, hopefully I'm correct, and I have a fishbone stuck down my throat. Sheesh, uncomfortable much. T.T
Anyways, bored to death here, have to cut hair next month again... Haiz... That's all for today. Bbye!
Anyways, bored to death here, have to cut hair next month again... Haiz... That's all for today. Bbye!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
OK! This is the second time I've posted a post with the same title, which is'Yo!'. I think I'm bored or I have no life, or I can't come up with some new titles. There's a few stuff I wanna say, but, I'm not entirely a girl, well, I don't have some of the female insticnts...(not sure if spell correct)
Well, first of all, I still can't ollie, I feel like going online to actually buy a guide, but, that's like really expensive, and my mom won't let me buy it, so... Too bad. And, I went online to find out more about the Ollie, foot placement, pop-ing the board, sliding the front foot out, and I can definately say, it's CRAP!!! All of it is bullshit, all they do is explain the general idea of the ollie, they don't even troubleshoot... SO, I already know the general idea. SO, they say, practice. I've been practicing for like days now, even though their not really serious or anything... LOL
Second, Maybe I'm learning guitar next year and I'm thinking of quitting Ace-Edventure next year and thinking more bout skateboarding, guitar and the deadly PMR. Hopefully, my cousin, Si Ven, will move near my house before next year so we can hang out and do some stuff together. She's going for guitar lessons like me too. So it's cool. And, she's the same age as me, all we need now is to like stay near each other and then we can help each other, which is AWESOME!!!!!
Third, I'm only going to Singapore if my grades are satisfactory to my aunt. Which is like :a)Geo, English, Maths, B.M, Science/Sejarah(my choice) gets A.
WTF!!!!! How am I gonna get that, I can't even pass maths, let alone get A for it. I'm not some God!!! The only reason she wants me to do this is because she says I need to get a 'good job' or something like that. But, I think that's BULL. Wanna know why? a)The world's gonna end in 2012 anyways.
b) I wanna be a pro skateboarder, what does Algebra has anything to do with skateboarding?
Well, I think that's ALL for today. Bbye!
Well, first of all, I still can't ollie, I feel like going online to actually buy a guide, but, that's like really expensive, and my mom won't let me buy it, so... Too bad. And, I went online to find out more about the Ollie, foot placement, pop-ing the board, sliding the front foot out, and I can definately say, it's CRAP!!! All of it is bullshit, all they do is explain the general idea of the ollie, they don't even troubleshoot... SO, I already know the general idea. SO, they say, practice. I've been practicing for like days now, even though their not really serious or anything... LOL
Second, Maybe I'm learning guitar next year and I'm thinking of quitting Ace-Edventure next year and thinking more bout skateboarding, guitar and the deadly PMR. Hopefully, my cousin, Si Ven, will move near my house before next year so we can hang out and do some stuff together. She's going for guitar lessons like me too. So it's cool. And, she's the same age as me, all we need now is to like stay near each other and then we can help each other, which is AWESOME!!!!!
Third, I'm only going to Singapore if my grades are satisfactory to my aunt. Which is like :a)Geo, English, Maths, B.M, Science/Sejarah(my choice) gets A.
WTF!!!!! How am I gonna get that, I can't even pass maths, let alone get A for it. I'm not some God!!! The only reason she wants me to do this is because she says I need to get a 'good job' or something like that. But, I think that's BULL. Wanna know why? a)The world's gonna end in 2012 anyways.
b) I wanna be a pro skateboarder, what does Algebra has anything to do with skateboarding?
Well, I think that's ALL for today. Bbye!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Yong Ning's House
So, I went to Yong Ning the Awesome's house and it is massive!!! Even her room is massive, it even has it's own bathroom. LOL. We didn't really do our Geo project, just stuff for our Hari Kantin. Her brothers are like freaking annonying, especially the older one...
After that, went out to skateboard and played basketball, got all airballs. I don't work well under pressure. LOL. Seriously. That's why I prefer sports that actually have team mates in em'. So you'll know someone will actually back you up if you make a mistake or something like that. But, I really hate it when it comes to me who have to make the final stuff like. Like shooting penalty kicks in soccer or something like that.
Cuz' that's when ur team mates start depending on you, and not you depending on your team mate. If your team mate fails, you can actually think stuff like 'Nvm, it was just a mistake...', but if you're the one doing the task, you can't shake the feeling that if you fail, your team fails.
LOL. That's how I feel...
I think that's all for today. Bbye!
After that, went out to skateboard and played basketball, got all airballs. I don't work well under pressure. LOL. Seriously. That's why I prefer sports that actually have team mates in em'. So you'll know someone will actually back you up if you make a mistake or something like that. But, I really hate it when it comes to me who have to make the final stuff like. Like shooting penalty kicks in soccer or something like that.
Cuz' that's when ur team mates start depending on you, and not you depending on your team mate. If your team mate fails, you can actually think stuff like 'Nvm, it was just a mistake...', but if you're the one doing the task, you can't shake the feeling that if you fail, your team fails.
LOL. That's how I feel...
I think that's all for today. Bbye!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Idiotic Teachers...
So, I was tellin my friends some 'Ali Story' when all of a sudden my XXX teacher came and she was like "Do I have to tolerate with you all?" And I was thinking "Well, yea. Since we tolerate with you and your bad english a lot." But, of course, I didn't say it out loud.
I won't say what teacher, what class or when it happened. It could've happen 5 years ago for all I care. But, my friends know what I mean with the Ali story thingy. Anyways, if you guys wanna hear bout it, too bad. I'll only explain face to face. LOL. HAhahahahaa.
Well, I think that's all. Bbye!
I won't say what teacher, what class or when it happened. It could've happen 5 years ago for all I care. But, my friends know what I mean with the Ali story thingy. Anyways, if you guys wanna hear bout it, too bad. I'll only explain face to face. LOL. HAhahahahaa.
Well, I think that's all. Bbye!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Skateboarding Tips For Beginners
OK, I know what it says on top, but, I'll actually talk about my life and other crap like that before I actually start on the skateboarding thingy. Well, I know it's kinda long since I actually posted something, but, that's because nobody ever reads em...
I'm sick today, actually, I've been sick for the past 3-4 days, but, I don't have to go to skul today OR tomorow. Awesome or what? Of course, everything must have it's upsides and downsides, so, the not so great perks are: a) I have to take medicine---- but, that's just plain easy
b) I'm gonna be bored--------- all my frens are in skul
c) Homework...----No comment
So, that's kinda bout it... LOL...
The doctor actually gave me MC for like 1 day, which is today, but I did the 'kesian' thingy and acted like I was really sick... So, the doctor was like,
OKOK la, I give you extra one day.
I thought he was lying, cuz' with my previous encounters with the other doctors, they lied to me. There was this time, where I had fever, and I can't swallow those big tablets, I told him to like give me the small ones, and he said OK. But, guess what? He gave me the big ones, and, what happens is that my mom has to actually cut the tablet in 4 pieces? I dunno. But, I got scolded. LOL
OK, back on to the skateboard tips, so if you're a new skateboarder who wants to skateboard, but not sure how to get one, or get one which is good, hopefully, this guide will teach you.
Let's clear up 1 thing. I am NOT a pro. I CAN'T do any tricks. BUT, I read enough articles by people who ARE pros and CAN do tricks, so this is in my version.
Well, the first thing you need is money, LOL. You can't get anywhere without a skateboard, and you can't get a skateboard without money, and you can't get money without your parents' permission. SO, try to strike a deal with them or save your own money. If your parents WON'T buy it for you even though you have the money, do what I did.
I asked my aunt to fetch me there and buy for me. LOL. My parents never said a word. Even if they scolded you, it'll only be like temporarily, unless they disown you or sumthing like that...
Anyways, what you need is a good skateboard, you don't need to buy it right away, if you bought it straight away and decided not to skate after a few weeks, it'll be money down the drain and your parents will be mad at you.
So, buy a cheap skateboard with plastic trucks and the best part is, it won't cost you over RM50.
After you bought your skateboard, it's time to learn about your skateboard. The parts are the most important one. So, go GOOGLE and find a pic of a skateboard. But, I'll explain the parts here.
First of all, the griptape, the thingy which is like sand paper but is on top of ur board, yea, that thing. Well, it functions as friction for skateboard tricks like the ollie, kickfip, and basically, loads of other sakteboarding tricks.
Second, it's the trucks, the things that keeps the board together, it's under the board. It pretty much functions at keeping the boards together, if you guys wanna in-depth explanation bout trucks, tell me at the cbox and I'll explain.
Thrid, the kingpin, pretty much holds the trucks together, if you loosen it, your board will be wobblier, but you'll turn easily.
Fourth, your wheels, they're um.... wheels...
Last, ur bearings, the thing that holds ur wheels together.
So, you've got your skateboard, you know your board well enough, heck, you've even done modifying to your board. SO... You're ready to skate.
Well, first skating is knowing ur foot positioning. There are three differetn type of foot positioning:
a)Regular---Left feet front, right feet back.
b)Goofy---Vice versa from regular
c)Mongoul---Same like regular and goofy, but using ur front foot to push. NOT ADVISED
OK, next thing is balance. You need balance, or else you'll just fall everytime you try to stand on a board. Before pushing off, try standing on your board to keep ur balance, next, try standing on your board with one foot 90 degrees in the air.
Balance, checked. Well, try riding for a while, and DON'T do any tricks unless you want to hurt yourself. I'll post bout stopping, turning, and falling soon, so keep in checked.
I'm sick today, actually, I've been sick for the past 3-4 days, but, I don't have to go to skul today OR tomorow. Awesome or what? Of course, everything must have it's upsides and downsides, so, the not so great perks are: a) I have to take medicine---- but, that's just plain easy
b) I'm gonna be bored--------- all my frens are in skul
c) Homework...----No comment
So, that's kinda bout it... LOL...
The doctor actually gave me MC for like 1 day, which is today, but I did the 'kesian' thingy and acted like I was really sick... So, the doctor was like,
OKOK la, I give you extra one day.
I thought he was lying, cuz' with my previous encounters with the other doctors, they lied to me. There was this time, where I had fever, and I can't swallow those big tablets, I told him to like give me the small ones, and he said OK. But, guess what? He gave me the big ones, and, what happens is that my mom has to actually cut the tablet in 4 pieces? I dunno. But, I got scolded. LOL
OK, back on to the skateboard tips, so if you're a new skateboarder who wants to skateboard, but not sure how to get one, or get one which is good, hopefully, this guide will teach you.
Let's clear up 1 thing. I am NOT a pro. I CAN'T do any tricks. BUT, I read enough articles by people who ARE pros and CAN do tricks, so this is in my version.
Well, the first thing you need is money, LOL. You can't get anywhere without a skateboard, and you can't get a skateboard without money, and you can't get money without your parents' permission. SO, try to strike a deal with them or save your own money. If your parents WON'T buy it for you even though you have the money, do what I did.
I asked my aunt to fetch me there and buy for me. LOL. My parents never said a word. Even if they scolded you, it'll only be like temporarily, unless they disown you or sumthing like that...
Anyways, what you need is a good skateboard, you don't need to buy it right away, if you bought it straight away and decided not to skate after a few weeks, it'll be money down the drain and your parents will be mad at you.
So, buy a cheap skateboard with plastic trucks and the best part is, it won't cost you over RM50.
After you bought your skateboard, it's time to learn about your skateboard. The parts are the most important one. So, go GOOGLE and find a pic of a skateboard. But, I'll explain the parts here.
First of all, the griptape, the thingy which is like sand paper but is on top of ur board, yea, that thing. Well, it functions as friction for skateboard tricks like the ollie, kickfip, and basically, loads of other sakteboarding tricks.
Second, it's the trucks, the things that keeps the board together, it's under the board. It pretty much functions at keeping the boards together, if you guys wanna in-depth explanation bout trucks, tell me at the cbox and I'll explain.
Thrid, the kingpin, pretty much holds the trucks together, if you loosen it, your board will be wobblier, but you'll turn easily.
Fourth, your wheels, they're um.... wheels...
Last, ur bearings, the thing that holds ur wheels together.
So, you've got your skateboard, you know your board well enough, heck, you've even done modifying to your board. SO... You're ready to skate.
Well, first skating is knowing ur foot positioning. There are three differetn type of foot positioning:
a)Regular---Left feet front, right feet back.
b)Goofy---Vice versa from regular
c)Mongoul---Same like regular and goofy, but using ur front foot to push. NOT ADVISED
OK, next thing is balance. You need balance, or else you'll just fall everytime you try to stand on a board. Before pushing off, try standing on your board to keep ur balance, next, try standing on your board with one foot 90 degrees in the air.
Balance, checked. Well, try riding for a while, and DON'T do any tricks unless you want to hurt yourself. I'll post bout stopping, turning, and falling soon, so keep in checked.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Justin Bieber sucks!!!
I guess some ppl are gonna hate me for posting this up...
But, I had to...
I only have 2 words for you Bieber: YOU SUCK!!!
I think that's all for today, if you guys disagree with this post, you can always leave a comment in the cbox and I can give you all sorts if FACTS that he sucked...
But, I had to...
I only have 2 words for you Bieber: YOU SUCK!!!
I think that's all for today, if you guys disagree with this post, you can always leave a comment in the cbox and I can give you all sorts if FACTS that he sucked...
Friday, March 26, 2010
MY hair is cut.... T.T
OK! I went to cut my hair just now, and I look weird...
Seriously, I. Look. Weird.
Not joking, really weird. I'm too ashamed to even post my pic up.
So, too bad.
If you all wanna see, go my school see la...
Seriously, I. Look. Weird.
Not joking, really weird. I'm too ashamed to even post my pic up.
So, too bad.
If you all wanna see, go my school see la...
That's It!
I'm putting my foot down! I'm gonna cut fringe! And I'm doing it tomorow! I don't think I'll post any pictures though...XD
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
RC hack working again!!1
OK! My RC hack is working again, but! I have to give my aunt an answer today... T.T!
In case you guys don't know what I'm talking bout, I have to give her the answer wether I wanna cut fringe or not. And she told me ' You better not say no! You got me worked up now, and if you say no, I'll be really angry."
I was like WTH, I mean, I thought I'd get a fair play in this, but, I have less than 12 hours to give her an answer!!!
So, pls tell me wether I should cut fringe or not. I'll post this same thing on FB and you guys tell me. That's all for today. Bbye!
In case you guys don't know what I'm talking bout, I have to give her the answer wether I wanna cut fringe or not. And she told me ' You better not say no! You got me worked up now, and if you say no, I'll be really angry."
I was like WTH, I mean, I thought I'd get a fair play in this, but, I have less than 12 hours to give her an answer!!!
So, pls tell me wether I should cut fringe or not. I'll post this same thing on FB and you guys tell me. That's all for today. Bbye!
Should I Cut Fringe Or Not?
So, I was wondering if I should cut fringe or not, because, if I cut, I'll get a skateboard from my cousin, and I can buy skateboard shoes... But, I'm afraid of people laugh at me...
That's the whole point anyways. I don't really care bout how I look anyways, I just care bout how ppl will think I look.
Anyways, my RC hack won't work... T.T
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
That's the whole point anyways. I don't really care bout how I look anyways, I just care bout how ppl will think I look.
Anyways, my RC hack won't work... T.T
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Need A Job
OK! The worst case senario happened. My aunt said that if she's gonna bring me to the place where I wanna go, I have to cut fringe... T.T
Anyways, I went skateboarding just now and I fell down flat on my butt when I tried to tail-stop. XD, I need more training, and this proves it, and I need protection gear, so I'm earning money now, if any of you, my relatives ONLY, if frens I also accept la, have a job, then ask me. XD.
Well, not all jobs are accepted though... If I don't think I can do it OR if I don't wanna do it, I won't accept. XD. I think that's all for today. Bbye!
Anyways, I went skateboarding just now and I fell down flat on my butt when I tried to tail-stop. XD, I need more training, and this proves it, and I need protection gear, so I'm earning money now, if any of you, my relatives ONLY, if frens I also accept la, have a job, then ask me. XD.
Well, not all jobs are accepted though... If I don't think I can do it OR if I don't wanna do it, I won't accept. XD. I think that's all for today. Bbye!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Great... My maths test marks are coming in today and there will be two possibilities: 1) I'll fail it.
2) I'll past it.
That's all for the two possibilities. Actually, eeryone's possibilities are probably the same. I wish I was in some school where they don't have exams and other stuff. Anyways, I'm gonna study harder for my next exam. I'm looking forward to watch Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Movie!!! Awesome or what? I watched the trailer already. XD.
Anyways, I'm just really bored, and I'm posting now because I have tuition later, so, that's pretty much it, I know it's short, but with me posting as much as I could, there isn't really much to say. But, if I havr stuff to say, I'll post it out, Bbye!
2) I'll past it.
That's all for the two possibilities. Actually, eeryone's possibilities are probably the same. I wish I was in some school where they don't have exams and other stuff. Anyways, I'm gonna study harder for my next exam. I'm looking forward to watch Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Movie!!! Awesome or what? I watched the trailer already. XD.
Anyways, I'm just really bored, and I'm posting now because I have tuition later, so, that's pretty much it, I know it's short, but with me posting as much as I could, there isn't really much to say. But, if I havr stuff to say, I'll post it out, Bbye!
Wish List...
OK, this is just a quick post as I had nothing to do...
My Wish List
1. Someone would teach me how to skateboard
2. Someone would give me RM200
3. Someone would bring me to SF002, 2nd Floor, Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia so I can spend my RM200.
4. Someone would bring me to the Shah Alam or Petaling Jaya skatepark
5. Someone would take an interest in skating with me.
6. Someone would buy for me all sorts of stuff for my skateboard.
7. I can be a professional skateboarder
That's my wishlist. If anyone can fulfill even one of them, I'd be happy. I'm saving my money up now to buy skateboarding shoes, a skateboard with metal trucks and good wheels, a helmet, knee and elbow pads, tools for my skateboard, extra trucks and wheels, and other stuff.
My Wish List
1. Someone would teach me how to skateboard
2. Someone would give me RM200
3. Someone would bring me to SF002, 2nd Floor, Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia so I can spend my RM200.
4. Someone would bring me to the Shah Alam or Petaling Jaya skatepark
5. Someone would take an interest in skating with me.
6. Someone would buy for me all sorts of stuff for my skateboard.
7. I can be a professional skateboarder
That's my wishlist. If anyone can fulfill even one of them, I'd be happy. I'm saving my money up now to buy skateboarding shoes, a skateboard with metal trucks and good wheels, a helmet, knee and elbow pads, tools for my skateboard, extra trucks and wheels, and other stuff.
Make Up For Yesterday...
So, this is my second post today. It's because I feel guilty about not posting anything fo yesterday. So, I got some of my test results back, I have to say that they were OK for my standards. Cuz' some people's OK standards are different. I remember some guy got 70%++ and cried. OMG! 70%++ is so pro liao weih. Anyways, as you all know it rained pretty hard today and our school's electricity came off and the sound of the thunder is really loud. So, Alicesra screamed 3 times and hugged Jie Ting. OMG!!! Freaking funny leh!!!XD!!!
Anyways, I'll tell you ALL of my marks after I get them. That's all for today. Bbye!
Anyways, I'll tell you ALL of my marks after I get them. That's all for today. Bbye!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
At Ipoh
Sorry yesterday didn't post anything, I was at Ipoh the whole day. Woke up at 6.20 a.m. then go Ipoh, but before go Ipoh doing basic stuff like brush teeth and change shirt. Then at car there, my bro slept on my lap. So, I can't sleep, and then he's head suddenly heavy liao, so I kept moving around to wake him up, but he won't wake, so I gave up. Then, when we reached Tapah, he woke up. So, I relaxed, and then the radio started going scratchy, my dad said we cannot listen to the radio anymore, so, I took out my Walkman, except that my Walkman spoil liao.
Cannot see the picture one, so, I had to estimate. When we reached I went to the Pasar. So, we bought some stuff and then we go temple. When we got back, we played BlackJack and some other game, actually, I play until my wallet damn full and thick, but I greedy until lost all.
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Cannot see the picture one, so, I had to estimate. When we reached I went to the Pasar. So, we bought some stuff and then we go temple. When we got back, we played BlackJack and some other game, actually, I play until my wallet damn full and thick, but I greedy until lost all.
Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Bro Watching Supernatural
So, my bro asked me to watch Supernatural, so I'm gonna watch it soon. So, I'm gonna make this post short. Oh, nevermind, he's watching Ben 10 at the moment. I'm gonna go Ipoh tomorow, and then, my holiday will be over, and then I'll get my test results. I haven't even finished homework yet. Oh well, that's life, right? You procastinate, and finally you panic. In case you guys don't know what procastinate is, it's putting off something you don't like to do, or something which is boring until the last minute, XD.
Anyways, my bro onned the disc, but I don't really feel like watching it, so I'm gonna make this post longer, I try to update my blog everyday so you guys will have stuff to read and not feel bored. But, sometimes, there really isn't anything to talk about. So, maybe I'll post something tomorow, maybe I won't.
Well, that's all about today. Bbye!
Anyways, my bro onned the disc, but I don't really feel like watching it, so I'm gonna make this post longer, I try to update my blog everyday so you guys will have stuff to read and not feel bored. But, sometimes, there really isn't anything to talk about. So, maybe I'll post something tomorow, maybe I won't.
Well, that's all about today. Bbye!
Local Park

Hi, so I went to the park today and I saw my friend. She was jogging and I was cycling with my brother. Anyways, remember bout the mini skateboard park in one of my earlier posts? Well, when I got there, there weren't any kids, so I was pretty happy, as I thought the kids stopped playing these ridiculous things.
So, I thought maybe I could go there tomorow and skateboard over there, considering there are no kids to get hurt with me. So after cycling for a few rounds, the kids came. I was annoyed. This is stupid. What's so fun about running up and down these ramps.
And lately, Voons has been disturbing me at really bad times, sorry Voons, but I'm always busy when you drop by. I dunno why, I'm just busy. XD. You know, when I read the Movie Book, you know, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, the book I mentioned in my last post, didn't have Holly Hills or Heather Hills in it. So, I went Googling, and I found out that Holly Hills is going to be replaced by Angie. The actress' name is Chloe Moretz, posting her pic now.
Anyways, you guys wanna know how the Cheese would look like? Lemme show you. Looks sick right? Well, that's all for today. Bbye!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary!!!

Yo! This is a description about the whole book, in case you can't buy it. So, we're going to number 1,2,3 and so on. Pictures first, then description. I'll point out which picture is which.
1. Anyways, the last picture is the first 1. So, you can see the cover, where Greg Heffley and a kid is stading. That kid is Zach Gordon, the kid who'll be Greg in the upcoming show, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.
2. The second last picture shows the back of the book where you can see some snapshots of the movie.
3. The picture in the middle is the first Greg Heffley! You wouldn't have guessed that Greg Heffley was difficult to draw, as he's basically part of the stick figure family.
4. Now, the second picture is Rowley! He's kinda fat. The kid portraying Rowley is called Robert Pattinson. LOL! Joking, he's Robert Capron. LOL! He looks kinda ugly though.
5. The first picture, which shows the Heffleys. You can guess which is which though. WELL, that's all for today. Post more pictures soon. Bbye!
OK, it's been like the 4th day of the holiday now, and I haven't even started on my homework yet. And, with each day coming closer, I'm also coming closer to recieve my exam results, which, is NOT good. I think I'm gonna flunk Maths, Geography and Chinese. And I'm also gonna get beat.
I'm gonna practice my skateboarding soon. I still haven't learn how to ollie yet. But I made some progress in other basic stuff. Like previously, I can't really bring the board up to stop as I'm afrraid I would fall, now I could do it for 5 times without messing up. Means 5 over 5 la. XD.
Anyways, I said I'd post pictures bout the movie book. I'm gonna do it on the next post. So hold on or a minute! Bbye!
I'm gonna practice my skateboarding soon. I still haven't learn how to ollie yet. But I made some progress in other basic stuff. Like previously, I can't really bring the board up to stop as I'm afrraid I would fall, now I could do it for 5 times without messing up. Means 5 over 5 la. XD.
Anyways, I said I'd post pictures bout the movie book. I'm gonna do it on the next post. So hold on or a minute! Bbye!
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