Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Yo, sorry for not posting for so long, it's just that I'm kinda busy. There's nothin much so far, except for the fact that I failed my Maths exam 3 times. But seriously, I'm not too bummed. I think I'm gonna migrate to US to work as a rubbish collector, 5000$$ a month, no requirements. Great job.

Oh, and be sure to check Kevjumba out in The Amazing Race. If you haven't heard of him, go youtube and type in his name, Kevjumba and you can see all his videos. It's kinda funny. And I've been doing loads of boring stuff lately, I'm sure you don't want to hear me ramblin bout it, so screw it, I'm not gonna post it all out.

Now, I find it weird that the 'popular girls' like to post pics out on FB, and when ppl say they're pretty or anything, they say they look so 'cacat-ed' and 'fugly' or anything. And sometimes I really feel like saying 'If u think ur so ugly, den why wanna show it world wide?' That's something that doesn't make sense.

Oh, I'm kinda bz cuz' I've been watching Terminator: The Sarah COnnor Chronicles, Gossip Girl, South Park, Melrose Place and Victorious. Seriously, you've got to check out SOUTH PARK. It's awesome.

Well, I know this post is realy short, cuz' I gotta get ready for skul and everything. Wish I don't fail my Maths anymore. Bbye!