Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Wow, 9 days without posting anything... New record, except for the one neglected, that doesn't count... Well, I'm kinda bummed because my bro keeps playing Cabal, and, the music is soooo sucky.

Well, it's near exams now, heck, it's already exam time. Well, enough bout boring stuff, I got like a few stuff I wanna talk bout. Like this comic/book. Like Diary Of A Wimpy Kid kinda type of book, it's called Big Nate In A Class By Himself, there's also 1online, if u want the website, it's on the end of this post. Anyways, it's a really good comic, and a good book. I think it's better than Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, because this thing has really cool stuff, and they show us like everything. (If u read the comic). Like summer vacation, school, teachers and crap like that. Wayyyy better than Diary Of A Wimpy kid.

And, second of all, remember that I said I quited G.A.P (Great Awesome Pro), we changed the whole thing to The Penz, it's a comic group. And, we have a group in facebook. Just type in The Penz then can adi. So, make sure u join it, but sorry, you can't post crap into it, because I've seen groups with a lot of ppl in it, well, they post crap... So, sorry la.

Well, that's all for today. Bbye!